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August 10, 2023

Allisen Corpuz

London, England, UK

Quick Quotes

Q All right, here with Allisen Corpuz, U.S. Women's Open major champion. This is a very different type of major. You want to tell me what some of the differences are out here?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, any time you think of the British Open, you think of just a lot of wind. And this isn't quite a links-style course, but it's definitely different from anything you see in the U.S.

Q How did you find the course today? What were some of the tricky parts out there and maybe the parts that suited your game?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's just tricky because the course just plays different every single day. I mean, what we had today was nothing like the practise round.

But I think every major championship just requires good ball-striking, and I hit the ball pretty solid today, and then, yeah, made a few putts.

Q What are some things from your round today that you hopefully want to replicate tomorrow, some things you did really well?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, just hit the driver really well today, which is something that I've kind of been struggling with the past few weeks. So just going to keep trying to do that. And, yeah, didn't make a ton of putts out there, but I felt like I stroked it pretty well.

Q Yeah. Really busy leaderboard out there. Were you looking at it at all? Did you notice anybody up on the leaderboard that you were chasing?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I mean, I look; I don't take too much stock into it. It's just day one. But I saw that the leaders were at -3, so I knew that I was in a pretty good spot. But, I mean, I mainly just go out there and just try to play my own game.

Q Good luck tomorrow.

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