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August 6, 2023

Nicole Broch Estrup

Troon, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk me through the final day.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, obviously I mean, yeah, second-to-last group so it was definitely a bit more nerves but Oscar can did an amazing job talking about just really random things.

Just kept me in it and I mean I did a good job myself as well just to be present and not thinking ahead, not thinking about like, oh, I really want to finish top 10 or top five or like I was just there and I just played 18 holes, which was honestly feels really good to have done that and it's been a while since I've felt like that on the course being in contention. I mean, it's only fifth or whatever but for me, it's a huge win.

Q. And did Oscar talk to Casper about the things you like to talk about?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I asked him this morning and I was like, did you get any tips from Casper and he said, no, it's fine, but I'm sure they had a bit of a chat this morning or last night because he definitely did a really good job in that. Yeah, just about my family, which is, you know, good memories and then he asked me on 18 -- well, 17, he asked me what my favourite song is, and I was like, super weird question.

On 18, I hit it right and knew it was in a bad lie and he was like, oh, my favourite song is this and this, and I'm like, okay, you're really just trying to keep me walking next to you. He did a really good job.

Q. How much of a confidence boost is it to get this to be ten, get the score and also the fact that as you said you were able to keep in the right mindset throughout the whole round?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, that's the biggest thing for me. I've had a couple weeks this year where I've started out well in the first round and then dropped down the leaderboard. To do this, and into week's field as well; I know I'm good enough to play on the LPGA, but prove it to myself and have a good mental week, that's a really big win.

Q. And also right now, you're in AIG next week, having got one of the top three spots, how much does it mean that you were able to get it done here?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: It feels really good if I don't have to play tomorrow. Obviously the AIG that will be my only major this year and last year I was playing well but missed the cut by one I think.

So yeah, I'm looking forward to play week and yeah, if I can continue doing the mental stuff that I'm doing, then I think I'm okay.

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