August 5, 2023
Troon, Scotland, UK
Dundonald Links
Quick Quotes
Q. Maja, round of level par. How do you assess today?
MAJA STARK: Honestly, very, very bad. I just felt like I had a lot of good opportunities, but I just didn't trust my irons today.
And I did stupid mistakes on my putting where I changed my mind when I was standing over the putt, and then I aimed somewhere else, and then I missed. So that was just really stupid. I felt so -- such immature golf, I guess.
Q. Obviously that was something that you worked on a lot to try and kind of change that. So how do you think you can change that going into tomorrow?
MAJA STARK: I think just if I'm insecure, I just don't hit the putt. I just sit down and I change the line on the ball with the confidence, I just fake it until I make it because -- and I know that I can hit good shots. I mean, it's happened before. But now I just feel like I'm focusing on everything else that's going on in my swing. And I just need to stop thinking about what I'm supposed to -- what I'm supposed to.
Q. And you're still not out of it. You're in contention. You'll still be in the final group going into tomorrow. How good is it to be in that position once again?
MAJA STARK: Well, it's good now. I want revenge, and it nice to have someone to chase that is not too far away. So, yeah, it's good.
Q. I was going to say, in your previous wins on the LET, you like chase. You like a low round on the final day. What kind of mentality do you take going into that?
MAJA STARK: I think it's just a "screw it" mentality because it's the final day and you kind of know where you're standing. And you've made the cut, and now it's all about getting the win.
So, yeah, I'm just going to -- maybe not be more aggressive than the other, but just have a better mindset and know that I can shoot a low round, I guess, is a big thing. And, yeah, it feels like Sundays are always better than Saturdays.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
