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August 5, 2023

Nicole Broch Estrup

Troon, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Nicole, a round of 4-under on day 3 here in Scotland. How did you find today and the slightly better weather than we thought?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I mean, I was expecting it like just being rainy all day, basically. So, yeah, I mean, it turned out really nice.

Yeah, it was a good day. New caddie today. Nanna Madsen let me borrow Oscar for the day and hopefully tomorrow as well.

So, yeah, no, I mean, we just had fun out there. Like we were trying to plan the shots as good as we could, and, yeah, it worked out. I mean, I, yeah, had a double on 15 where I actually hit a really good shot, and it like just clipped the bunker lip. I mean, a foot longer and it would've probably led to, I don't know, a really good birdie chance.

And then I was just dead in that bunker, and it ended up being a pretty good 5. And, yeah, I mean, that was just unfortunate. But other than that, pretty solid. And, yeah, pretty good day.

Q. I was going to say, in terms of your other birdies and also like your eagle putt, like so close.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: It was so close.

Q. Was your putting working pretty well today?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, definitely my short putting. And, yeah, I mean, a couple long ones on the par-5s was like tap-ins for birdies.

But other than that, I would say my speed was not my best today. But I was inside like two meters. I was pretty solid. I don't think I missed anything. So, yeah, I mean, that definitely kept everything going, the momentum and the birdies coming.

And so yeah. Yeah, I think I'm gaining on my putting even though my speed was a little off.

Q. And how do you feel heading into tomorrow? Is it good that you've got Oscar, someone you know, on your bag?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I mean, it's definitely helping that I have someone that I know other than, you know, having a local stepping in for Kasper. So, yeah, that definitely helps.

And I think even if Oscar like wouldn't be able to, I think Kasper would, like, tape his foot up and do anything he could to be with me tomorrow.

So, yeah, that definitely helps. I mean, I'm definitely going to be nervous, but I feel like I've been a little bit nervous the last three days anyway. So it's just if I can, yeah, just keep dealing with that and not be scared of being nervous, then hopefully I'll be okay.

Q. And in times of AIG, obviously you know the dealio, you're in one of the spots right now. So are you just going to -- are you even thinking about that, or are you just thinking about playing tomorrow?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I think in my head, I mean, obviously I know the situation, but, I mean, if I have to play on Monday, it's fine. Like I feel like my stats on the Monday qualifier for British is pretty good. I think I have three out of four.

Q. And hopefully Kasper would be back by then.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Exactly. I think he can manage that. So, yeah, I mean, it's in my head. But if I -- I just really want to get through tomorrow with like wanting to be out on the course playing golf and not being scared of being there or not wanting to, like, rush anything, just want to be there. And, yeah, I mean, it sounds like, I mean, everyone is saying it, but like one shot at a time.

Q. And in terms of tonight, what are you doing to relax?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I mean, obviously Nanna and her parents are here. My dad is here. And, yeah, Kasper and Oscar, I mean, we're a pretty good squad. So, yeah, just chilling. I mean, I'm going to go and hit a few putts and a few balls.

And then, I mean, we discussed today we might go to an Indian place that we've been to earlier or the Thai place for I think fourth day in a row. So, yeah, we found a really good place, so we might go there. We'll see. But, yeah. You know, we're the kind of people that if we find something good, we stick with it. So, yeah.

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