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August 3, 2023

Nicole Broch Estrup

Troon, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Nicole, very, very well played. A bogey at the first, but after that, brilliant stuff. Tell me about it.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I mean, pretty solid. And, I mean, I guess to shoot 4-under on a links course, you have to get a little lucky here and there.

I made a long putt on 7 or 8, 7 for birdie, and would, like, just hold on to the green, and it could have been a tough up-and-down.

But overall, solid out there. Lots of fairway, lots of greens. And, yeah, I putted pretty well as well.

Q. Do you enjoy links golf in general?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I do. I mean, I like it when the wind is up because it means that you have to work with the ball, and you have to be somehow a good ball-striker to get around, and I consider myself that.

So, yeah, I mean, I like it when it gets a little tough. And I feel like my golf is in a good place at the moment. So it's more -- like today I was just -- like I was really good at doing my things mentally, and then, yeah, I mean, there's obviously three more days, but I'm really, really proud of myself today.

Q. Not exactly stress-free out there. Just explain why, between hole 16 and 17, a bit of an incident with your husband and your caddie.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, so going from 16 to 17, I actually like twisted my foot half first, and I was like, Oh. And I looked back, and Kasper was like in complete pain, and he twisted his ankle really bad.

Yeah, and I mean, he was trying to put pressure on his foot, and just there was no chance he could. Like he was trying to just make it to the 17 tee box and couldn't.

So, yeah, luckily, one of the guys from the Danish golf team is here watching, and he was happy to step in the last few holes.

I mean, I hit it to like three foot on 17 and 2-out on the three meters on the last, so he was like it's (indiscernible).

Q. (Indiscernible) too much because you went and got a birdie par for a great round.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I mean, it was very stressful at the moment, like in the moment. But, yeah, it was just -- I mean, I had done really well mentally, as I said, like the whole round. So I was just trying to keep at it, and he was really good at, like, get refocused.

Q. Has he got the job for the rest of the week?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I mean, I don't know. I mean, hopefully Kasper is okay. I'll have to go check on him. But, yeah, I really hope that he can make it because, I mean, Kasper is full-time on the DP World Tour now, like caddying, so this is like the one week that we knew he was going to help me out this year. So, I mean, it would just -- yeah, it would be -- honestly, I'd be really sad if he can't make it the next three days.

Q. Fingers crossed for your both. Well done.


Q. How was it when he did that? Did you panic? Because obviously you're in a good place, and then --

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I know. I mean, you know, Kasper -- I mean, a couple years ago he got appendicitis, and he caddied three days with that, and he was like, you know -- he didn't know it at that time, but we found out later.

So normally he's not crying about anything. And when this happened, I just looked at him, and he had sunglasses on, but I could just see he was in pain.

So, yeah, panicked a little bit. And I am in panic right now for tomorrow if he's not okay. So, yeah, hopefully he can make it.

Q. And how have you felt that you've been playing over the past few months coming into this?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: A bit up and down. But I feel like, as I said, my golf is in a good place if I can not get in my own way or get too scared or the struggle I have -- like the things I've been struggling with in the past, I mean, it's still there.

And there's some certain shots out here, and especially left-to-right wind is not my favorite. So I really have to commit to the things. Yeah, today I did really good on that, so yeah.

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