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August 2, 2023

Lynn Grant

Troon, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are here with Lynn Grant. Women come back to Scotland. How are you feel heading into Scotland this week?

LYNN GRANT: Good. Still a bit terrified, especially from today. It's so windy out there. I feel like I'm not in some swing changes but I'm working on hitting good shots out there. It's not the easiest when you have the wind to think about as well.

THE MODERATOR: Why terrifying?

LYNN GRANT: I feel like if you hit good shots, they can end up everywhere, if you have the wind straight into your face and you hit it a little bit off where you just start turning it a bit right, and they be it's going to go way right, and yeah, you're going to have to just take it for what it is really.

THE MODERATOR: Being back in Europe and back on the links, we saw you last week at the Amundi Evian Championship and now here at Dundonald. What's it like being back competing around a comfortable environment for you?

LYNN GRANT: I like to play links golf. I think it's a challenge but I think it's more of like, a challenge on your patience than anything else, which I don't mind. I think it's a fun mind game to play. It takes a lot of energy. You can't hit the ball like you did last week. It's a different kind of mindset.

THE MODERATOR: The wind is changing, and we've seen players saying it's harder because we have to adapt to the changing winds from the direction it usually is. How do you assess or approach your practise rounds when that's happening around you?

LYNN GRANT: Well, it is what it is. You can come out one day and it's one wind, and tomorrow it's something else. It's just about accepting and kind of working with it instead of against it I think.

Q. Since you won on the LPGA, you've won a number of times on the LET, is your approach changing a little bit ahead of the AIG in terms of your mindset, your ambition of that tournament?

LYNN GRANT: No, I don't think so. I think every event I try to go in with obviously a positive mindset but also the mindset that I'm here to play my best and I'm here to try to win the event regardless if it's a major or if we're in Scotland or France or whatever. So just, you know, trying to work on what I can and like I said, just adapt to whatever circumstances we have.

Q. And how much is Solheim Cup on your mind at the moment? What are you doing to prepare for that?

LYNN GRANT: Oh, I don't know. I just, you know, probably just want to be in my best form once we get there.

So you know, play as many events as I can and kind of figure out my schedule and not be too tired once we get to that week, and chat a bit more with potential teammates and try to get a good vibe before we get there.

Q. You had a European winner last week at the Amundi Evian Championship in Celine, who is also looking for that spot on the European Solheim Cup team. What have you thought of just European golfers so far over the last couple of events, and to see Celine come out in her home country like last week?

LYNN GRANT: Yeah, I think it's great, obviously she's part of The European Team. Even though I never played, I feel it's a Solheim year, you root a little bit more for your European --

THE MODERATOR: Counterparts?

LYNN GRANT: Yes. Obviously, great. The better we can be once we get there, the better it is.

Q. Gemma was in earlier and was there some 2019 when Suzann holed that putt. Do you have any memories of Solheim Cup, like you watched it and dreamed of being there, too?

LYNN GRANT: I think growing up, I've seen so many of these like inspirational videos of Solheim Cup, and I think that kind of is, like, my earliest memory from it, Swedish players coming home and telling how fun it was and that they would love to play every one of them.

But I played the junior event in 2017 when it was in the US in Iowa, and just being on that first tee kind of in that audience, instead of on the tee and just wanting to be on that tee. I think that was like very motivational and kind of walking with the players, you could tell obviously they played really good, but you could also feel like, I could also be there, I could get there some day. That was very motivational for me.

Q. I know you met Suzann at that event in 2017. What what's it like having a relationship with her six years later where you're talking to her at these events and that kind of thing about potentially being on the team later in the year?

LYNN GRANT: I think when I -- because I was never, like, really into golf in terms of watching golf, when I was there in 2017, and she has such a presence, right. She walks into a room and you're like -- it's so insane.

So when I saw her on the golf course, I think I was sitting like two metres away from her and I was like -- she's just such a star. She's shining, right. Having her as a captain and kind of getting to spend time with her off, like, her professional life, I think it's so cool. Like she's grown to be a person that I look up to, like, a lot.

Q. Just wanted to get back to Scotland, because there's some Scottish roots in the Grant family. Is there anyone still here in Scotland and do they come and speak to you or do you know them?

LYNN GRANT: I know my dad has an aunt. She still lives in Inverness if I'm not wrong. Don't quote me on that.

Q. Well, I'm going to do. Somewhere near.

LYNN GRANT: And I think my -- well, I think that's pretty much it. So because my granddad passed away when I was so young, I never, like, travelled here or anything. But my dad did.

Q. Has anyone said when you were here last year or this year, is your great aunt --

LYNN GRANT: Unfortunately, not. That would be really fun. But no, more so just you collect like friends wherever you go, which is really fun. So I think more of those than actually family members.

Q. So your dad is here, is he?

LYNN GRANT: No, he's not.

Q. So he hasn't got any -- he's not given you any tips about Scotland or told you to seek out the birthplace of your granddad?

LYNN GRANT: No. I've actually never been to Inverness either. Hopefully I'll go one day. That would be cool. I hope he takes me to Inverness. That would be the way of doing it.

Q. I believe you're saying with Maya this week, and you're in a hotel that's got some good vibes associated with it from your amateur career. So what's it like being back in this area and reflecting on the Scottish Am and British Am?

LYNN GRANT: It feels like we are back in a European-Team-sharing-rooms-vibes, because they didn't have a room with two beds. So she's in like that extra bed on the floor. So she's sleeping down by my feet which is cute.

She reached out to me two weeks ago and asked if I had a room and already had it, and they couldn't change it to a two bedroom, so it's fine. But we are just, you know, laying in bed and chatting away, and then all of a sudden it's like, we have to go to sleep now.

So it's really fun. It brings back some good memories.

Q. I was looking up your granddad on whatever the other day, and there were pictures of him winning his championship at North Berwick. Have you seen those?

LYNN GRANT: I haven't seen the actual pictures, but I know of it, of course.

Q. It must be quite moving to think that he won there before you did?

LYNN GRANT: Yeah, I didn't know. When I played the event, I didn't know that until I had actually won, and because I think it was -- it was the lady captain that actually came up to me and told me. I think my dad knew but didn't tell me.

It's kind of strange but very fun.

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