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August 1, 2023

Allisen Corpuz

Troon, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome to the FreeD Group Women's Scottish Open presented by Trust Golf here at Dundonald Links. How are you playing after the Evian Championship last week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I am really excited for another week out here. I mean, I liked the course last year, and yeah, just excited to see it for a second time.

THE MODERATOR: What did you take away from the major last week, when you talked before the major about not getting too ahead of yourself as a Major Champion coming into this European swing? What did you take away from your experience at Evian last week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, my major goal was just to make the cut, which I did, and I think that's a where you definitely just hopefully keep getting better and learning more each year.

So pretty happy with the week overall, and I mean, definitely have a few areas to work on but I feel like I hit really good shots, as well. Hoping to carry that forward into this week.

THE MODERATOR: What were some of those few areas to work on? Did you see something in your swing or knowing that these next couple of courses are a lot different from each other, how do you focus in on what to focus on?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think especially in the U.K., wind is going to be a huge factor. Played a practise round this morning and it was pretty calm, but I do remember last year is it got pretty windy.

So definitely just a lot of course management these next two weeks, probably more than on a regular week. Just going out there, a few things with the swing, just working on the same things that I've been working on.

THE MODERATOR: What do you remember most from this event last year? I know you said you definitely have some different goals in mind now coming in as a Major Champion, but what are some of the expectations you have or remembrances from last year?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I think it's definitely a gettable course. There's a lot of birdie opportunities. There's just a few holes that play a little tougher, a little longer and especially with the wind it can definitely be tough to gauge just yardages in, how much the ball is going to roll out, even into the wind, how much the wind is going to play a factor there.

So really just coming in with a little more knowledge and trying to score a little better this year.

THE MODERATOR: You have to be really particular with links golf in general. Do you like that side of it? Do you like thinking of all the details it takes to be successful in a course like this?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I haven't quite figured it out yet but I think it's really fun. I think it's great to watch drives roll like a hundred yards and be thinking, Oh, it's going to roll up 50 yards to the green. I think that's really fun. It definitely just takes some extra time, a little more thought, but I love it.

THE MODERATOR: Before joining the LPGA Tour, how much links experience did you have?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I played the Curtis Cup in Wales at Conwy Golf Club, but that was it.

Yeah, we don't have a lot of links golf in America.

THE MODERATOR: Thinking of Hawai'i and your base in Hawai'i where you grew up playing, wind is always a factor when we go to Hawai'i. Do you draw on that, or am I making that up out of left field?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's a little bit of both.

I definitely feel comfortable in the wind, but the wind is just different here. In Hawai'i, the wind never gusts. It's just a more consistent 10 to 20 all the time.

And I think it can be tricky out here. A couple seconds you'll have 30-miles-an-hour winds that will sit down in a few seconds. Definitely more comfortable than I would have been not playing in the wind too much.

THE MODERATOR: We have six of the Rolex Top 10. We have got all four of the Major Champions that have won this year. How important to play an event like this before knowing it's part of the all-encompassing European swing?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's definitely a good warm-up for British, especially being on a links-style course and I think it's just good to be competing with the best week-in, week-out. You just get better by playing with good players.

THE MODERATOR: What's the strategy going in to practising for this event this week? How much have you already gone out on the course, and how much time do you take to see what's around you here in Scotland as well?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, still just prioritizing a lot of rest. Just coming to Europe is a long travel day, and then, yeah, playing all four days last week.

But played 18 this morning and that was it, and then nine tomorrow for the Pro-Am and then took Monday completely off. Just didn't touch the clubs for a day. I don't know if whole get out much to see the sites but yeah, just taking it pretty easy.

THE MODERATOR: How important is it to you to take it easy? We've talked a lot in the last couple weeks but we've talked about the importance to be able to be relaxed and be ready for these upcoming swings. Do you feel even more comfortable now that you've been able to know when to take that rest and when to not?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think for me, like I play my best, keeping my expectations low and just having the energy to play.

So really just kind of reminding myself, like, you know, just go out there and play my best but it's golf, it's supposed to be fun.

Q. As a Major Champion, I think you're staying on site. Can you tell us how you're enjoying the hospitality year?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it's beautiful. It's a very spacious room. Very nice shower. It's just nice to be able to roll out of bed and just walk on to property.

Q. And you enjoy all the hospitality in the clubhouse and everything, it's sort of like a dream week. Do you like staying on site or do you prefer traveling in?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's nice to be able to stay on site and just see the course from the room. Haven't had dinner here yet but the food has been really good so far.

THE MODERATOR: Since your win you've been able to take advantage of some of these perks that come with being a Major Champion on site at these events. What's that been like for you these last couple of events?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's been really cool. It's not a position that I thought I would be in, so I'm just really grateful. But it's been really fun.

Q. What's the best perk you've had since you won?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I have not ordered it yet, but the Rolex I think. I'm looking forward to that.

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