July 21, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Arizona Wildcats
Press Conference
THE MODERATOR: We are joined by some Arizona Wildcats.
Jayden, a lot of dialogue around you off the field this season. Would you like to address this now?
JAYDEN de LAURA: Yeah, I kind of wrote out something, kind of been really thinking about this since everything came out, so...
I want to start off by saying I understand the importance of the questions that have been asked over these times as well as the fact that as journalists and everything, everybody has a job to do.
But just believe me that there's nothing I would like to do but clear my name if I could, defend myself from what's being written. However, I hope you understand that I'm bound by the law to not discuss this matter at all. I just do not intend to break the law.
What I can say today is that I'm grateful for the University of Arizona for assessing the facts in this matter and allowing me to continue my education as a student-athlete.
I would also like to thank Thomas Otake and Philip Miyoshi for correcting the misinformation that's been reported that stated that I pled guilty or was convicted of sexual assault, which is what was written.
It's a privilege to be a quarterback at the University of Arizona. I want to ensure the Wildcat community that I'll continue to be responsible and respectful leader on the field, in the classroom, and in life.
With that being said, I kind of would like to turn our focus to football now.
Q. Jayden, as a follow-up to what you just said, how has everything impacted the football aspect of your game and you being able to keep focus and stay confident in what you're trying to achieve?
JAYDEN de LAURA: I feel like it's brought me closer to my team knowing they have my back through everything, that they trust, they believe in me. With everything that I was able to share with them, without breaking any laws or anything, they understand and feel what I'm going through. So just knowing that I have their support, I feel like that brings us closer as a team, so...
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Jayden, I think it's a little bit ironic that you're spending time with former Arizona State University quarterback Taylor Kelly this summer. Talk about how Taylor has helped your development heading into this season.
JAYDEN de LAURA: So that was honestly the first time I've ever trained with any quarterback coach other than my high school quarterback coach, obviously.
I was there for three weeks. The first week I was there, I really felt like I would go home after workouts and, What am I doing playing quarterback? This guy is really switching up everything I've learned, everything I've known throughout my entire life from when I started playing quarterback.
As the second and third week came along, I really started understanding what he was talking about. I could feel the difference in my throwing mechanics. I feel like when I came back to practice, everybody else kind of could tell that my balls were coming out different. It was spinning different. Had more velocity, didn't look like I was throwing as hard.
I just appreciate him for working with me and taking the time to work with me, kind of putting the rivalry to the side (smiling).
Q. Jayden, having practiced against this defense in the spring, what would you say is the biggest difference that you've noticed from last year to this year?
JAYDEN de LAURA: I would probably say the size, the speed. Our front seven to even Stukes in the secondary, I feel like Coach T.O., Coach Fisch really put it upon us to get bigger, get faster, get stronger in the weight room. I feel like especially our front D-line, they really bought in. Now we have guys that are over 300 pounds. That will help us out a lot.
Q. Jayden, I want to be respectful and mindful of the pending court case. As a human being, how are you doing?
JAYDEN de LAURA: I would say for me, I kind of -- so, this has been lingering for six years, since my junior year. Something I deal with by myself, but I would say I kind of worry more for my family (tearing up).
Q. Treydan, being here at media days, seeing what Jayden has gone through, how have you made sure you've become a teammate and a leader to the rest of your teammates?
TREYDAN STUKES: Yeah, I mean, for me and Jay, we have gotten pretty close just recently actually. He needed people to talk to. It's bigger than football.
Just trying to be a person that he could be an outlet to has been good. Getting older, being a leader on the team now was a learning curve for me at first. I wanted to be young as long as I could. I'm in my third season now. So it's been good.
Q. Can you put into context your path? 160 pounds, walk-on, paying for your own meals; now you're not just a player or a contributor, but you're at media days representing this university.
TREYDAN STUKES: Yeah, I mean, my whole path has truly been a blessing. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I think it's made me the player I am today.
I'm really thankful that this is the path I took. I think I'd be a different man today if I had it a little easier.
Q. Jayden, the offense last year was electric. You had some huge plays. The culture you guys are building, Jacob Cowing returning, how much better can this offense get next year?
JAYDEN de LAURA: I feel like we barely scratched the surface last season. I really didn't realize that T-Mac, me, Jacob, and even Dorian, that was kind of our first real season in that scheme. So we really were learning as we went throughout the season.
If us not being 100% comfortable in that offense, and we produced those type of numbers, had electrifying games, then I feel like now that we're bought in, now that we're comfortable with each other, we know how to play, we know how everybody else plays, I feel like the sky's the limit for us, so...
Q. Coach said in the last three years this team is the best that you guys have been. Talk about the pressure that comes along with that. How anxious are you to stop talking to us and start playing football in games that actually count?
TREYDAN STUKES: Personally I'm really looking forward to it. I've been really pleased with the way our team has worked this off-season and in the spring. To get to play some real football is the time we've been waiting for, putting all this hard work in for.
I think guys are bought in. We've got the opportunity to do something we haven't done in a while around here, so...
Q. Jayden, anything you want to add to that?
JAYDEN de LAURA: No. I blanked, but I had something (smiling).
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
