July 20, 2023
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
USAF Academy Eisenhower Golf Club
Press Conference
Q. Can you talk to me about your match this afternoon?
RIANNE MALIXI: About this match or the previous match?
Q. This match.
RIANNE MALIXI: I didn't really have my A game today on the first few holes. I only got my A game on the last few holes. I was 2-down going to 14 or 15. I knew that I needed to make birdies and I was able to sink putts that mattered. I think that was the key today. I was really patient and calm and collected there.
Q. How long was your putt on 17?
RIANNE MALIXI: 17 was like a 15-footer, side hill, right-to-left.
Q. Obviously you're 1-down going to 17. Your mindset is I got to make something happen?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yeah, my putter was really cold the first few holes. I just tried to make things working, then I was really patient today and it kind of paid off.
Q. Was there anything in your mindset when you were putting that you thought you adjusted?
RIANNE MALIXI: Instead of lining up every putt I just put down my ball and just tried to putt with my imagination. Tried to picture it instead of lining it up.
Q. Is this your best result so far in a USGA event?
RIANNE MALIXI: In U.S. Girls, yes.
Q. Have you ever been to a quarterfinals in anything else?
Q. What's the biggest event you've won?
RIANNE MALIXI: I don't think I recall any big events I won. So it's really frustrating that I haven't won yet since all of my mates were winning. So it's a nice feeling to have just winning matches and then try to make things work.
Q. You're top 100 in the women's ranking.
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, I've always put myself in contention every event and then it seems that I was always caught short of winning that title.
Q. What do you think you have to do this week to kind of get over that hump?
RIANNE MALIXI: I think just really being patient and being calm and collected. Playing really smart golf out here will really pay off. Try to get myself a good win if I do somehow make it.
Q. You'll be the second player from the Philippines to win this. Princess Superal, do you know her?
RIANNE MALIXI: Yes, I played with her in a local pro event.
Q. So you know her.
Q. Do you know Yuka Saso too?
RIANNE MALIXI: Of course. (Laughing.)
Q. Do you feel like there's anything about the course that suits your game at all?
RIANNE MALIXI: Oh, I like how it pictures it, how I pictured it, and how the mountains give out a big key on reading putts. I think that helps me with my game.
Q. Are you planning to come to college in the States at all?
RIANNE MALIXI: I'm planning, but I'm still looking for schools.
Q. You're class of what?
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
