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July 14, 2023

Allisen Corpuz

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: We are joined now by Allisen Corpuz. Allisen, just tell us about your round today and just what was working so well for you.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, a really solid past two days. I think I'm bogey-free for it so far. So just been hitting the ball really well and then getting some really good looks at birdie. Then kind of seeing a few of 'em go in.

THE MODERATOR: I don't know if you scoreboard watched at all, but how does it look to see Annie Park two SC alum right up at the top? Just how awesome is that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I didn't see one I think until the 17th for me. But awesome. Annie's the best. She's been like an older sister to me since junior golf. So, no, super happy to see her playing well and hopefully we both keep it up over the weekend.

THE MODERATOR: How have you been able to maintain this swell of success despite time zone changes, travel issues, stuff like that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think, honestly, the fatigue has kind of helped with the nerves a bit. But, no, going out there, just focusing on doing the same thing. Try and hit good shots. Yeah, just one shot at a time.

THE MODERATOR: We'll go ahead and open it up.

Q. Has your mental outlook on the game changed at all since last week since you closed it out?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean not too much. I think maybe just a lot more confidence. Just feeling really comfortable with the putter right now. Just kind of going out -- and I had a really fun pairing with Lydia and Minjee. So I think it always helps to see good golf. They both played really well as well. So, yeah, it's been good.

Q. Do you believe in momentum? Is that something you carried into this week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, absolutely. Really just been focusing on energy levels and trying to get some rest. But everything's felt like it's been really solid and, yeah, been hitting some really good shots.

Q. How has your life changed in just a week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean it's starting to sink in, but I mean, it's just awesome. Just heard so much support from everyone. Yeah, it's just, waking up every morning, it's like, wow, I'm a major champion. It's been really cool.

Q. Do you have maybe more people yelling to you on the course and things like that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, we have had a pretty big crowd the last two days, which has been really nice.

Q. When you were finishing here and you got kids waiting to sign balls, how does that feel for you in those moments?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I love seeing people out here, especially the kids. I mean, I grew up going to events and getting some pictures as well. So it's really cool seeing the kids and having them out here.

Q. Earlier in the week you said, like now everyone knows your name, following winning a major. I'm assuming the week of you probably had a lot of people calling for interviews and things of that nature. What's been different this week following a big win in your prep work for a new tournament?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really just prioritizing rest this week. Especially after such a long week last week. Nothing really changed too much. Just practiced a lot less. Just trying to get some rest. But, no, just focusing on the same things that I've been working on.

Q. Knowing what it takes to win now, how does that help you going into this weekend?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think just knowing when to take on shots and kind of knowing, like hitting the shot that feels comfortable to me. I think in the past it's just been a mix of either, like, Oh, let's just play for par. You know, just kind of being, I guess, a little afraid of the moment. Definitely just feeling a lot more ready to just take on shots.

Q. Did you, considering the enormity of last week, did you consider skipping this at all?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I mean, I'm planning on taking next week off. That's been planned for awhile. So, no. If I had been playing I probably would have considered it a little harder. But, no, just out here to have another solid week and then take next week off and get some rest.

Q. It's been kind of busy from one coast to the next. Have you had a moment to let it sink in that I'm a major champion?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: A little bit. Yeah, I mean, yesterday and today I think a bit. Yeah, just, I think the more that I hear people saying, like, congratulations and stuff it just sinks in more each time.

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