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July 12, 2023

Allisen Corpuz

Sylvania, Ohio, USA

Highland Meadows Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome inside the in-person media center here at the Dana Open. I am pleased to be joined by the reigning U.S. Women's Open champion, Allisen Corpuz. It's only been a couple days since your win at Pebble Beach. What have you the last couple days been like for you as it's all sank in and you started to reflect on what the week was like?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it's been pretty hectic. Sunday night just a lot of media, autographs, and then a small celebration with my family and friends, and then had a really early flight out of San Jose Monday morning. Got here around 4:00 in the afternoon and just drove over. Tried to get some rest. Still didn't sleep much.

And then, I mean, you were here with me yesterday just doing media, it felt like every hour. Got out to practice a bit, walk the back nine, and pro-am this morning.

Yeah, it's been pretty busy but still trying to soak it in and just let it settle in a bit.

Q. You talked about the fact that you were trying to get an Uber to San Jose and had to stuff your golf bags in a Tesla.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yes, so we tried calling an XL both Lyft and uber for probably 20 minutes, and then me, my mom, and my dad got a notification, there were just no cars available.

We were like, okay, let's try a smaller car and hopefully everything fits. Yeah, we got a Tesla. Luckily there is that little front trunk so we utilized all the space. (Smiling.)

Q. To be here and competing this week, as you have gone through the motions, people have been congratulating you, what are the highlights for you? I know a few famous people have reached out and have tweeted. What have been the highlights over the last couple days?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, it's just still a bit surprising and a bit weird to me. Kind of feels like everyone knows who I am now. Obviously I knew everyone pretty much out here, but just having everyone stop by and say congratulations has been so sweet.

I mean, saw Jennifer Chang earlier and she scared me in lunch. Yeah, we played college golf together, junior golf together. Just a lot of close friends coming out and saying congratulations.

Q. And I was talking to Jay, your caddie. I said, well, from Pebble to Toledo, here we are. Just getting back in the swing of things. How much do you just reset after a week like Pebble Beach?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, well just focusing on energy levels, trying to just kind of get through the week with enough energy to keep playing my best.

But, no, I'm really excited for the week. I liked this event last year and happy to come back.

Q. You mentioned you were here last year; liked it. What is it about Toledo, Highland Meadows that you like so much that you're willing to lose a whole lot of sleep to come back and play this week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, it was just on my schedule. Not to make the comparison and say I'm like Jon Rahm. I remember when he played the week after he was saying, I made the commitment earlier. Kind of the same deal. I didn't want to withdraw.

I'm taking next week off as well, so just come out and play. It's a cute little town. Really nice golf course. Yeah, looking forward to it.

Q. Obviously winning the U.S. Women's Open a huge deal. Also springs you up the Money List and also Solheim Cup. Now you're in prime position to play for your country.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, that was my main goal I think going into the year, really trying to make Solheim Cup. Yeah, still just pretty unreal that it's starting to sink in.

Q. I don't know exactly how much you remember from last year, but I know some of the holes have been lengthened this year. Where will we notice that most, do you think, and how is the course playing tougher this year, do you think?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I didn't play the back nine yet. I just walked it. And then played the front nine in the program today.

I mean, I think it'll be a little more challenging just because of the rain. It'll definitely play wet and just a little longer because of that.

I think we're supposed to get some storms so I'm assuming some wind with that as well.

But, I mean, pretty low scores have won here in the past and I'm sure someone else -- people are going to be lighting it up this week. Yeah, we'll see.

Q. You mentioned calling for a Tesla to get out of Pebble to San Jose. Was what the plan all along, to try and Lyft back to the airport? What time did you call for the Lyft and what time was your flight?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, so, I mean, originally I was -- we actually had a hotel booked by San Jose Airport Sunday night, so the plan was to try to catch a shuttle, one of the USGA shuttles over there, return the car at Monterey, and catch a shuttle San Jose Airport, uber to the hotel, and spend the night there.

Obviously plans changed. They booked us room it at the Lodge. Unfortunately we only got to enjoy it for about three hours I think. Took a shower, packed, and sat in bed for a little bit.

Then, yeah, that was the new plan. Just go early. Got to San Jose around 4:00 and our flight boarded at 5:30, took off at 6:15.

Q. Did you get any sleep?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I got 30 minutes between boarding and take off.

Q. Has it sunk in for you that you're a U.S. Women's Open champion yet?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Honestly, no. I think it's just been so busy. It's starting to feel more real I think as more people just keep congratulating me. No, just, yeah, feels like the last week was just a dream. (Smiling.)

Q. Can you walk me through -- I know you went on a couple of TV networks for interviews. Could you walk me through the schedule after your win, what you appeared on?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Megan, I think you know this better than I do.

THE MODERATOR: I do. I know she did ABC News, BBC; she did Sky Sports, CNN World Sport. I know you did Foe Play.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I just know the times. I'm not sure the networks.

THE MODERATOR: But those were some of the big ones, Ken.

Q. What's the transition been like from winning at Pebble and playing Pebble out there versus coming out to this week's course and a contrast in styles?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, definitely different weather-wise straight of the Baltusrol. Pebble was really cold and it's really warm here. And then just different styles. Pebble was a little more wide open, along the ocean. A little more tree lined, tight off the tee here.

I think both courses suit solid ball striking and even though they are in the similar, hoping for another good week.

THE MODERATOR: One more from me before we wrap it here. Obviously this has really put a spotlight of Solheim for you. What has Stacy said since the win? Has Stacy reached out? Has that becomes more and more clear? How has that been for you?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, she texted me congratulations. Saw her on the range this morning. She kind of told us at the beginning of the season, if you want to come talk to me, I'll tell you everything. I have not taken her up on that offer. Just been trying to keep my head down and play my way onto the team.

No, still haven't talked to her much about Solheim. I mean, it's looking good. Yeah, really excited for that. Yeah, just kind of been soaking it in and thinking about what a week in Spain would look like.

THE MODERATOR: We talked about this yesterday, but the whole winning a major championship and what that means for the rest of your career and how you look at your schedule with everything around you, have you let that part of it soak in? Have you rethought some of the rest of this year or anything like that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, still kind of working on that. I mean, there has just been a few opportunities like trying to get out to a USC football game and just get on the field, and I think that might take a tournament off my schedule, stuff like that.

I think it's definitely a relief to know I can be more selective about where I play for the next few years. Haven't really had a chance to really go through everything yet and solidify plans, but I don't think much is changing. I mean, I still really like being out here week to week, I just can't do it ten weeks straight.


THE MODERATOR: All right, that will be it. Thank you, Allisen, for joining us.

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