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July 6, 2023

Allisen Corpuz

Pebble Beach, California, USA

Pebble Beach Golf Links

Flash Interview

Q. Allisen Corpuz, 3-under 69. Great way to start. How does it feel?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I mean, really good. This is definitely the position you want to be in after day one. There is a lot of golf left, so quick turnaround until tomorrow. I'm just going to try too get some rest and get back after it tomorrow.

Q. Four birdies. First of all, three birdies and hit a snag there at 7. Came right back with a birdie on 8.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Uh-huh. Yeah, I hit a pretty good tee shot on 7 and I think we misjudged the wind a little and it hopped over the green.

Overall hit the ball really solid today. Made a few good birdie putts so, yeah, it was really solid.

Q. Which one of those birdies did you like the most?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: They were all a little unexpected I think. I mean, 12 and 5 were tough par-3s, and then 8 was I think a bit of luck on the approach shot as well.

I think I got a really good bounce into the green.

Q. And then you played, this is your fifth U.S. Open. What have you learned in the previous four that maybe helped you today?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just really trying to stay patient. I mean, there won't be too many birdies out there so it's really just about minimizing the mistakes you make, really staying patient, and hit some quality shots.

Q. And I know you just talked about being patient. Have you been working on a mental strategy during the season?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think just really trying to forgive myself a little more. I mean, everyone makes mistake and it's really just about how you react to it and come back.

So, yeah, I mean, just if I hit a bad shot, just forgive myself a little faster.

Q. And then, what other courses maybe have you played that maybe would help you here at Pebble Beach?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just growing up in Hawai'i, just being along the ocean a lot definitely helps. And then this is actually really similar to a course we played at college, Trump National. It's along the ocean, poa greens. Yeah, feeling pretty comfortable out here.

Q. When you walk onto Pebble Beach do you feel a sense of history? What's it like?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's amazing that we have such great venues lined up. Everyone seen Tiger just rip this place apart, and it's so cool to get out and see where he hit some of those shots from.

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