June 15, 2023
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Blythefield Country Club
Quick Quotes
INES LAKALECH: (In progress.) Very much of a chance, and I'm trying to enjoy every part of it.
Q. What has it been like the last few events and last few months for you kind of getting your feet on the ground and really getting used to these courses and the way that LPGA is?
INES LAKALECH: Yeah, I think the first few events I had -- I needed a little bit of time just to get used to things, get a little bit more comfortable, you know, and definitely feeling better.
But I'm learning every round, every day, and I have tried to implement all the things I learned so far since last year, since, I mean, the beginning of this season.
And it is great. It is not always working my way like I want it to, but I'm just accepting, you know, what destiny holds for me and it's good.
Q. Now, specifically for this first round in general, what was the game plan for Blythefield and how do you think you executed?
INES LAKALECH: It was just, you know, do whenever I know, and, yeah, because last week I was feeling good. Had a little bit of a break but felt a little bit of pressure at the end of the round. I just try to, you know, feel good during the whole round, not think about anything, and just enjoy my walk basically.
It's been great today.
Q. At a young age is it hard to do sometimes, to step back and enjoy what you're doing and remember you're playing a game?
INES LAKALECH: I think when you get to here quickly, like I've done, it's just my second year as a pro, it can be a little bit overwhelming.
In the same time, you don't really realize. You're just happy to be here. And yeah, I think you just don't have to think too much basically in general and just be present and live in the present moment.
Q. Yeah. You used the word "learning" a lot from last year, first year as a pro. What's the best thing you learned?
INES LAKALECH: What I've learned is when I enjoy myself I perform better in general just because I'm open to anything. It just frees up my game and makes the day better and I'm enjoying it. Yeah, that is the biggest learning so far.
Q. And what's the best part of your game? If everything is clicking, what do you feel is the best strength?
INES LAKALECH: It changes from one week to another, even a round to another.
Today, putter felt good.
Last week driver felt good.
It is just every time different.
Q. Is that a good thing, to have different parts feel good as far as always leaning on one part kind of?
INES LAKALECH: I think that means that overall like general is decent. It's good.
Q. Yep.
INES LAKALECH: But I definitely need to get a little bit better on everything to really have a strength, and that's what I'm doing so far.
Yeah, we'll see how things evolve.
Q. One more from me about this round in general. Your back nine, which was the front nine holes. A little bit of colorfulness there. A lot of birdies; a couple bogeys. How do you take coming off the course the way that you did into tomorrow's round?
INES LAKALECH: Really like just doing what I did today: committing to every shot, sticking to my routine, and basically not changing anything. Yeah, just enjoying tomorrow as well.
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