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May 30, 2023

Thiago Seyboth Wild

Paris, France

Press Conference


7-6, 6-7, 2-6, 6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Thiago, well done. Was this your best day on a tennis court ever?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I mean, I don't really have words to describe what I felt when I won the match. I was just super happy. It definitely was the happiest day of my life.

THE MODERATOR: Questions in English.

Q. Thiago, big congratulations. You are a headline writer's dream because of your surname. With that in mind, can you tell us, is this the wildest match and wildest victory you have ever had? Could you ever imagine beating Daniil in these circumstances even in your wildest dreams?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I honestly don't know how many times I have heard that joke, but it never gets old (smiling).

I mean, from the first day I knew it was going to be a tough match but I knew how to play. I have watched him play a thousand times already. I just had to believe in myself and believe in the work I have been doing.

So, yeah, yeah, I had belief since the first day.

Q. Congrats. I read something about your favorite book is the biography of Rafael Nadal. Is it true? Can you tell us something about that?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: It was. It was true. I don't remember the last time I read it. I was probably 14 or 15. But Rafa is a guy I have looked up my whole life. I had a dream of playing him here. I don't know if it's gonna come true. I hope so.

He's just a guy I have looked up my whole life. The way he plays, the spirit he puts on court, and the way he wants to win, you don't see that every day, you don't see that in anybody. He's Rafael Nadal.

Q. You have tried many times in the past to qualify at Grand Slam tournaments. Able to do it this time. Then followed up with this victory against the No. 2 seed. What to you has made the biggest difference for you over these past 10 days here in Paris?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I mean, Paris is always a place I like to be. It's always a city I have felt really well, and the French Open is a very special tournament for me. I think that with that many times I've played here I could get the experience needed to qualify this year and get through the first round, but I think it's a momentum. You need to make that momentum last as long as possible.

Q. Do you have an explanation for why you have been able to have that momentum this time?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: Work hard. I mean, you don't have -- it's not magic. It's not something you do out of the blue. It's just hard work and effort you put in every day.

Q. Sorry to have to ask you this after a big win but for coverage I need to confront you. According to the media UOL Esporte stating your ex-wife, you have been charged in June 2022 by the Public Ministry of Rio for domestic and psychological violence against your ex-wife. Since then nothing happened in terms of sentence. What do you expect to happen?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I don't think it's a subject we should talk about it right here. I don't think it's a question you should be making to anybody. I don't think it comes to you to decide whether it's a place to be spoken of or not.

Q. (Question off microphone.)

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: You can write whatever you want. By the way, I was never married. Okay? So just leave that out.

Q. What was the biggest press conference you have ever previously had? How does it compare in terms with this? More importantly, you had the opportunity to go up against the great Medvedev. Two sets you had three really kind of tough shots there. How did you put that out of your mind?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I think that a five-set match is a really -- it's a really long match. You have a lot of time to get up, go down. I mean, you've got to manage the time in there.

When I lost the second set, I didn't feel very good. I mean, obviously I had the chances of going 2-0 up, but it's just something that happens in tennis. Happy I could win the match and play the tennis I played after that.

Q. Could you talk a bit of your relationship with a big name here in Roland Garros, Gustavo Kuerten?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I mean, Guga in Brazil is an idol for everyone. Not only tennis players. He's a person to be looked up at. I think his legacy in this tournament is really something special.

You don't see that many players that won this tournament three times. Just need to take that energy from him and dream big.

Q. (Question off microphone.)

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: No, not really. Not really. I do, according to the Brazilian tennis and the Federation and everything, but not personally.

Q. (Question off microphone.)

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: No, not really.

Q. With today's win, do you think that you have proved anything either to yourself or the people? What could this mean for you here at Roland Garros?

THIAGO SEYBOTH WILD: I think that I have proven to myself that hard work is the only way to be successful at anything, so that's basically what I take out from this match.

Of course I'm happy. Of course I'm happy. But the tournament is not over, and I have worked really hard to be here, and I'd like to stay as long as possible.

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