May 24, 2023
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Shadow Creek
Quick Quotes
Q. Here with Pornanong Phatlum. Pornanong, your first time at Shadow Creek, first time at this event.
Q. Dominating win over Gaby Lopez. How are you feeling after this first day here?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: After the round I feel very good. I mean, like I didn't expect anything about this week much, but I just try to do what I'm doing, like work on, and just work well today.
Q. What was the mentality going into match play? We just talked and you haven't played match play since you think International Crown.
Q. What was it like preparing and what was the mentality you had going into the first day?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Well, I just think like it's just fun week, yeah. Just try to relax and get on like match play, like one by one shot, and, yeah, it's fun.
Q. How much do you enjoy match play? How exciting is it to have something like this as opposed to what we usually play week to week to week?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: I like the match play, yeah. I mean, like we didn't play much match play and then this week it's just very exciting and I'm looking forward to play like this week a lot.
Q. You went 1-up on the second hole and just kept going. Never gave up the lead. When did you feel that you kind of had this match in your favor?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: I mean, like I'm say, like I didn't expect and I play with Gaby and she play well. I just try like focus on myself and try to like relax and calm down.
Because she like big hitter and like I'm like shorter than her a lot, but I feel like I just try and do my best and it just go well today.
Q. What were some of the most memorable holes out there for you? Any particular saves that you had or putts that went in?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: I think I putting very good today. I can't remember because I didn't put like the number on my scorecard.
Q. I know. It's weird, right?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah. So just feel like I make like one putt a lot today. Yeah.
Q. Obviously you're making your debut here. How special is that now that you have one win under your belt heading into two more days of group play?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah, two more round, I just like work on my game and just don't have to be like too much pressure. Just like today, like no expect and then you just relax.
Q. Whatever happens, happens?
Q. What will you work on this afternoon heading into tomorrow?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: On my swing a little bit and then like work on short game. Yeah, because this week is -- the course is really tough on the green.
Q. Uh-huh.
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah, like every shot. So just try to do everything like a little bit and then just relax and ready for tomorrow.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
