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May 12, 2023

Albane Valenzuela

Clifton, New Jersey, USA

Upper Montclair Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tell me a little bit about the round, the recovery after yesterday.

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, definitely very happy with my round. Obviously a little bit of a bumpy start yesterday. I was 3-over after 14, but managed to just finish with three birdies in my last five.

I kind of just tried to get on to the momentum into today, and felt even today when I was in tough spots I grinded it out and made some really good putts and managed to have a bogey-free round. Really proud of myself.

Q. Talking about momentum, it's something that you've been carrying now for the last few weeks, no? Is that the feeling?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I feel like Chevron -- it's funny. I told Missy the same thing yesterday after my double. Hey, at Chevron the first day I managed to get back to even par with three bogeys, a double.

So I know I have the birdies to come back on this course and just in general I trust my game, so even if one part fails I feel like I can rely on the rest. I think it's just a little bit more experience and trust in my game.

Q. We were talking a little bit about the big lesson of the week, of the last tournament.

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I feel like just now I'm much more calm on the course. I just don't -- a bad shot doesn't really affect me. Even when nerves kick in I just feel like I have to embrace them and be excited about the opportunities that come in.

So feel like now I miss a shot I'm just excited about the next one. It's just the game of golf. I just love it.

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