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April 30, 2023

Scott Vincent

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You were in the mix, how did it feel out there? Did it feel natural?

SCOTT VINCENT: Well it was hot and sweaty, so, yeah, it felt very hot out there. But, no, it was great. It was a lot of fun. I've got a lot to learn and no better way to do that than to be in those situations and watch how players like Cameron Smith does that as well as Cameron Tringale. So it's fun to have the front row seat for that. But, yeah, at the end of the day in the simplest form golf is about just moving the ball from one place to the next and, yeah, if you can get rid of all the other stuff and try and make it as simple as possible, that's the easiest way to describe this game. So, yeah, that's all I was really trying to do out there. Trying to stay patient like I talked about with you earlier in the week and, yeah, I think a lot to be proud of this week.

I think I did a really good job of staying patient and just ticking the holes over and sticking to my game plan and, yeah, I mean, to end up only three or two shots short of a playoff means you did a lot of things really well. So I'm really happy with how that went.

Q. Was that your biggest takeaway from this week is that you stayed patient and you know you can hang with guys -- obviously you were in there the entire time -- or was there something else from your perspective in terms of what you learned?

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, yeah. I think I'm going to digest this round and this week a little bit more and then I'll have a better answer for you on that. But I think, yeah, off the top of my head it's just kind of what you said, it's just, yeah, just do what you can control really well and the rest will kind of take care of itself.

Q. Are you very proud of yourself the way you handled it coming in, because you shaved so many holes with long birdie putts, you just missed it by a little and yet there was a smile on your face.

SCOTT VINCENT: I don't know if I saw a smile on my face, but, yeah, I mean, when you're in those situations it's just, you have to move on to the next one. You have to move on very quickly. So yeah, I didn't feel like I could hang around on past putts that went near or that were near the hole, but, yeah, it was good. I did all the things that I could do really well. There's probably one shot I would like to take back today, but apart from that --

Q. The bunker on the 16th?

SCOTT VINCENT: No, the shot to the bunker. The bunker shot was really tough, so that was okay. But, yeah, that's golf. Like I said, I did a lot of things well and that's what I'm going to focus on and that's what I'm going to use to kind of move forward.

Q. Can you just tell me if the rain delay kind of hampered your rhythm going into the bunker shot or was the bunker shot as tough as it was looking to be?

SCOTT VINCENT: The bunker shot was a really tough shot. It wasn't a great lie and with the pin really close like that not many players I think could stop it short of that pin. I was just trying to give myself a look. I had a chance to make the putt, so that's all you really I could do and so no complaints with that.

Q. Your best finish on LIV Golf in your career of the 13 tournaments you played. What do you have to say about that?

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, I think it's, it hasn't sunk in yet.

Q. In front of the family and all that.

SCOTT VINCENT: Yeah, I know. I had a lot of amazing support this week. It's fun to do it in front of them and fun to have them cheering you on and, yeah, really grateful for them. I have a wonderful wife who just supports me in everything I do. I think behind all successful men is a very wonderful wife. And I can't speak any higher of my wife. She's so good and allows me to do what I get to do. Yeah, I'm just very thankful.

Q. Can you talk about this kind of incredible year that you've had starting with qualifying, winning in London, qualifying for Centurion and then the whole experience since then. What a ride you've been on.

SCOTT VINCENT: Thank you. I would say the journey starts way before that, but that's kind of what everyone sees along the way. But, yeah, it starts with an amazing team behind you. I've been able to put a few guys together and they have made a huge impact in my career. So, yeah, it's fun getting to work on things. And obviously when you play well it's very rewarding for everyone on the team, not just myself. But, yeah, these are the type of situations that we want to be in more and more, because that's how you get better at it. So I continue to use all this as a learning platform for me and I still hope that my game continues to rise to an even higher level. And that's the route that we're on and that we're chasing. So, yeah, this is just a lot of the steps along the way.

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