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April 23, 2023

Albane Valenzuela

The Woodlands, Texas, USA

The Club at Carlton Woods

Quick Quotes

Q. Take us through the first round, kind of the progress and the emotions of the whole week.

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I felt my game was pretty good coming into this week, especially my iron play and my pace on putts. I felt it was better than usual. The first day was a little rocky. I had a lot of missed drives. I had a ball in the water, an unplayable, so a lot of mistakes out there, but I managed to pull out five birdies.

The second and third round were really solid, a lot of birdies out there. Still a few mistakes, but that's just what a major course does to you.

But overall very happy with how I held today. The course was definitely playing tougher in the cold and windy conditions, so just proud of myself for hanging in there.

Q. What are the things you enjoyed the most here this week?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Everyone loves a major. The course was fabulous, and I think Chevron really stepped up to put on a great event for us. The purse is elevated, the course is fantastic, and I think all the girls can agree that the more you play, the more it feels like a major. Really excited it's now in Texas, and yeah, it was a great week.

Q. We've been talking about the family support this week in other languages but not in English yet, so can you tell us a little bit about it?

ALBANE VALENZUELA: Yeah, I mean, it's been great having my parents here and my brother, as well. I think the result speaks for itself. I was just very comfortable out there, and I would look outside the ropes and see my brother, my mom, and my dad was on bag with me, so we kept it all very relaxed, and I think that's how I managed to perform.

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