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April 3, 2023

Kevin Na

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. What is it about this place that you like, not just the course but --

KEVIN NA: I like there's no rough. It's a beautiful golf course. I love coming here. Obviously it's a special place. I feel like you really need a good short game out here, and that's my strength of my game. I know where to miss it and what angles to play with the chipping and putting. I feel like even though I don't hit it as far, around the greens is kind of an equalizer for me out here.

Q. Has the reception that you've gotten from the patrons and players, is it better than you expected, about the same or worse?

KEVIN NA: It's good. It's always good. Whether what Tour I play on, I think the Masters, people that show up to the Masters are respectful patrons and they enjoy and they love the game of golf, and we're just golfers.

Q. What's been different about the lead-up into this event? Probably not as many events as you've normally played, but how have you adjusted to that?

KEVIN NA: I was telling Kenny, my caddie, saying that it feels like it's been longer than a year since I've been here. I think part of the reason why is I haven't seen some of my friends that play on a different Tour, and I haven't seen everybody in a long period of time. Maybe that's the reason why.

But I think I've played, what, four events, three LIV events and one Asian Tour event leading up to this week. I like it. I've got three kids at home, get to spend more time with the family. My family is here this week. We're going to enjoy the par-3 contest, and that's the highlight of the week for them. It's been great.

Q. (Indiscernible).

KEVIN NA: Yeah, the par-3 contest I'm supposed to play with K.H. Lee and Si Woo Kim, my boys, and we'll have a good time and we've laugh. K.H. has got a kid and I'm sure she'll be out there and my kids will be out there, and Si Woo is the uncle.

Q. Is K.H. really the best looking man in golf?

KEVIN NA: The sexiest man? I don't know. I think I'm sexier than him (laughing).

Q. Talk about the course you just came from, Orange County National. What are the differences between that and here?

KEVIN NA: Orange County National, it's a good course. For a public golf course, it's got good design. The greens were rolling pure. I know the condition wasn't the best, and part of it's being public. But that's also the cool part is when we go to public venues, the local people that have played there or play there, they can see us play, some of the best players play and kind of see how we play it.

I think it's good for the game of golf sometimes to go to some public venues. I know we've played some extremely famous public venues for major championships. I know we can't compare Orange County National to that. But it's still a lot of fun. It's no Augusta National, but I had a good time.

Q. There's probably people out there that want the narrative to be the LIV guys are coming here and they want to stick it to everyone else. What's the actual narrative?

KEVIN NA: No, I think we're all competitors. We all want to win. There's not one guy out here that's not trying to win. But it's not about sticking it or anything like that. It's just we're competitors.

Now, have we had a lot of people saying, oh, we can't -- I won't even mention. But look, it doesn't matter what Tour you play. There's always great players. No matter what people say, there's a lot of champion golfers on LIV Tour and still in their prime and still peaking.

But I think it's going to be fun. But I'll tell you what, I think the fans and the media are making it more interesting. If you have a LIV versus PGA TOUR coming down the stretch, it'll be fun.

Q. (Indiscernible) take this as like a week of I don't take this for granted?

KEVIN NA: I've never taken Augusta National for granted. Every year I came here was special, and every year I play here, I say, I'm trying to soak it in, create a lot of memories. It's a special place.

It is my 12th appearance. Every one of them is special.

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