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March 30, 2023

Cayetana Fernandez Garcia-Poggio

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes


Q. Cayetana, tell us a little bit about your round. You had a little bit of a rough start with a double bogey but an amazing recovery to your round. Tell us what was going on with you and your game?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: I started playing really good with a birdie, but then I missed with a double bogey, but it was okay because I'm still doing birdies. I played really good golf today. I'm just very proud of myself, and it was an amazing day. I played with Saki and with Rose. They played amazing golf, too. Sunny day, so everything it's okay. I can't wait to play at Augusta.

Q. What does it mean playing with Gabi, your sister on the bag and just having fun on the course around the best amateurs in the world?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: It's amazing. I think I'm very lucky to have my sister as a caddie. She's very nice with me. She knows me a lot. She helped me have fun on the course. Besides, it was very nice to playing with those girls, and their caddies were super nice, too, so I'm very happy and just looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. What are you looking forward to the most about playing Augusta National?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: I think just having fun. Just to see the course is amazing. Just to play 18 holes there is amazing. I cannot wait to be able to give that gift to my parents and my sister. It's very nice, so I can't wait.

Q. Had you played with Rose before these last two days?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: No, it's my first time. She was super nice with me, and she was always telling me like good shot, nice try, so I love to play with her, and she's super nice. She asked me some questions about if I was at school or high school or -- yeah, so she was super nice.

Q. Did she live up to the expectations or your thoughts of her before playing with her?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: I didn't know she putts so well. She made everything today and yesterday, but she has an amazing golf. I don't know, that's why she's the first. She was lovely, and she plays really good golf.

Q. How often do you watch Augusta on TV?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: I saw like since 10 years ago maybe. Since I was little. I have a lot of memories about seeing some players winning there.

Q. What hole do you look forward to playing the most?

CAYETANA FERNANDEZ GARCIA-POGGIO: Maybe it's too basic, but I'm going to go with 12.

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