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March 28, 2023

Ingrid Lindblad

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. This is familiar territory for you. Having so many close calls, how hungry were to you get back here this year?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I mean, I was excited. I know what it takes like how to play this course. A lot of pars usually help, but the greens being softer today, I assume they will be softer during the week, so you can kind of go more at the pins and not play as conservative.

I'm excited to be back. I kind of remember the course was more narrow than it was today, so when I got on the first tee I was like, this is wider than I thought.

Q. Does that mean you're hitting the ball better because you're thinking that way?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I don't know. Maybe I just pictured it was narrow from the two previous years for some reason.

Q. It's a good vibe nonetheless.


Q. So you had an amazing experience at Pine Needles. Played with Annika early on. What was your biggest takeaway from that and how do you think it'll help you here?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think going into the U.S. Women's Open as an amateur you don't really have any expectations. You just go out there and you're like -- and I had the clubhouse lead for a while, and that's not what you prepare for when you go in as a amateur. That was really cool.

And just not having too many expectations this week I would say. You know, if you expect too much and you don't live up to that you'll be disappointed.

Q. How do you do that, though?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I don't really know. We're going to have to figure that out.

Q. Do you have the same caddie you've had?

INGRID LINDBLAD: Uh-huh. It's my coach from home. He's been caddying the past two years.

Q. How does he help you the most out there?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think mostly just count out numbers, and then if I say a stupid club he would be, nah, that's probably not it.

Yeah, so not so much like swing thoughts on the course. He's my swing coach. But more just talk a lot and figure out the numbers right.

Q. How is your game different this year than last year?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think -- I would say it's pretty similar, to be honest. Still hitting the ball kind of high, which helps today when it's wet. Fairways are kind of wet so you want to carry it as far as possible.

I would say it's pretty similar. Feel like I might be hitting my irons a touch better, so hopefully that helps.

Q. Playing the three tournaments in like two and a half weeks to open then you don't play for a month, being able to play last weekend, how much does that help going into this?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I felt like when we left Lake Keowee on Sunday, I felt like that course was pretty similar to what I've seen here. Like you kind of have some uneven lies on the fairways.

It was a little wet and the greens were firm, which they've been out here before. Now they're a lot softer, which I -- well, I kind of expected after the rain, but not before I got here.

So I was kind of prepared for the greens to be a little firmer. It feels good to have played well at a course similar to this one.

Q. Latanna said Carlos talked to you all about some things like travel and some of the logistics. Not about the course. Have you offered any advice to her?

INGRID LINDBLAD: So I had kind of planned to play a practise round with my Swedish girls, but we're just like, ask questions if you have any, kind of like that.

She has a local caddie, so she'll get some knowledge from that person I assume.

Q. What are your future plans post-graduation?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I'm planning on staying at LSU for the fall and playing Q-School, and then if I play well, then I'll quit school.

Q. So you're going to be in a master's degree program?

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, so since I'm an international I either have to declare another bachelor or -- like a one-year bachelor, I don't really know how that works -- or like a Masters.

Q. Okay.

INGRID LINDBLAD: I'm not really into the whole school planning thing. I don't really know.

Q. Just want to play golf.


Q. What's your degree going to be in?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I have a major in sports administration.

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