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March 4, 2023

Jordan Spieth

Bay Hill, Florida, USA

Bay Hill Club and Lodge

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you characterize your round today?

JORDAN SPIETH: I played poorly. Really just didn't hit my driver well. I found only a couple fairways. At this place that's really bad. I mean, there's nothing you can do. So I just have to find more fairways tomorrow. First cut out here is essentially like the rough anywhere else. You just can't stop it on the greens. So those don't really count. Yeah, just kind of regressed. Had just a really off day.

But I actually putted really well and it kept me in it. Would have liked to get the one on 18. Hit a good putt, just so quick and the greens are so bare you just have to kind of guess on which way it might move. Find myself four back instead of -- I was looking on that green at maybe being two back. So that's kind of, that stinks. It's a big difference there.

Q. Was it something maybe technical with the swing with the driver?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, it's the same stuff. I just regressed a little today. I just wasn't turning really well off the ball. I think I got into some bad habits on the range the last two days with the wind pumping off our backs. So hopefully tomorrow when it shifts I can get into a good range session and carry that to the golf course. Be a different golf course tomorrow than we have seen. Very little wind and the opposite wind. Probably, I would imagine, pretty scorable. Because the greens are already what they will be, but I don't think they will get like they were Tuesday, Wednesday. I don't think they will get that firm and fast. So got to shoot a number.

Given tomorrow's forecast, I was really looking to try to be within a couple of the lead, because I feel like today you can make up a lot of ground, but when that wind dies down it's a little bit harder out here.

Q. The tee shot on 18 and the approach, something you can build on for tomorrow?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, sure. I gave Michael a sarcastic high five afterwards. That's probably the most improved two shots I've hit my entire career. Back to back. So, yeah, I mean, I even hit the putt end over end how I wanted, so -- and I did that all day today. So I feel really good about the progress with the putter. Just simply need to -- just got really off today and a random off day ball striking. I haven't had an off day like that really in -- I mean, I missed the cut at Riviera and struck it way better than I did today. So you just have to simply find the fairways out here.

Q. How would you describe the way that Kurt battled back after a shaky start?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I mean, he's a really solid player. I've seen his name towards the top of the leaderboard a lot. I didn't think, his demeanor, he was going to have any trouble today. I was a bit surprised, kind of out of no where, the one on 4. And then after that just really battled back. He's got a really solid game. Flushes it. Be really tough to beat tomorrow.

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