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March 4, 2023

Nelly Korda

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome to the media center at the 2023 HSBC Women's World Championship, and I'm here with Nelly Korda, third day, 68. Walk me through your round and a few birdies on the last few holes.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, kind of slowed down in the middle part obviously during the rain delay. Didn't really have too good of -- actually, no, I birdied -- trying to go through because of the rain delay.

Overall, I think I just struggled on the par 3s, and got a little lucky on 17 and 18, because that was coming in with some speed.

THE MODERATOR: How did you stay patient?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, going in and out the past two days, past two days have been really, really long and making sure that you're mentally in it is very important.

After the rain delay, I actually bogeyed No. 10 and had to tell myself to refocus because after such a long delay, just kind of lose it in a sense. You're not in a zone like you were playing nine or holes before and you had the momentum.

So making sure that I was focused out there, kind of dialing into my targets, my yardages and making sure I was talking through the shots with my caddie and not making stupid mistakes.

Sometimes when you get into these positions and make kind of silly mistakes and making sure that, you know, that there were holes where I played safe and there were holes that I would be a little more aggressive. You definitely are a little bit more mentally fried after these days.

THE MODERATOR: 17 was the ballsiest shot I think I've seen all year, went right at it. Can you walk me through that?

NELLY KORDA: I was just trying to give myself like 20 to 30 feet long, actually. And obviously that's kind of a pin position where even if you go right or left, like you still have to fly the bunker. So may as well go straight at it.

I did get a little lucky there. I know that it hit just in the fringe and it rolled up to probably four feet, three and a half, hour feet. I told my caddie, I don't think anyone is going to see a shot somewhat short of this hole on the green.

But again, on 18, too, I hit it really well but I just hit it a little too hard. And thankfully it hit the back of the cup and went in.

THE MODERATOR: Going into Sunday, chasing by a couple shots. How do you carry that momentum over on Sunday?

NELLY KORDA: It just depends on the weather obviously. Every day is a new day; your body feels a little different. Hopefully you recover well, and it depend on the conditions. I think what you kind of need to stick to is your warm ups and your game plan. If you're hitting it well and you're putting it well, hopefully it gets the job done.

THE MODERATOR: And finally, in contention again, second time this season, and I know every contention is special, but how excited are you to contend on Sunday?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, playing in the final group on Sunday is so much fun, to feel the adrenaline and different emotions is all so much fun. Last time I think I was in the final group was in 2018 here. The fans are amazing, and yeah, just excited for tomorrow. See how it goes.

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