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March 2, 2023

Nelly Korda

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, sporty little 68, I know in conditions that were a little challenging out there. Wet, pins were tucked today. Just walk me through your round.

NELLY KORDA: I played really solid. I kind of had one little oopsy, and that was on the par-3 -- I think that was 4 or 5. I don't know. No. I didn't see the --

Q. Early par-3.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. I haven't seen the front nine this year yet -- or since 2019, actually. And then I kind of went on a little run. I birdied both the par-5s, birdied one of the shorter par-4s. And then was making some solid pars.

Actually was giving myself some really good looks, just couldn't bury the putts on the back nine. And then finally got one on 17.

And, yeah, I mean, overall, I think it was a pretty solid day. Missed probably three greens total. So that helps.

Q. How do the greens hold up? What did you notice out there that maybe you might adjust tomorrow to help you?

NELLY KORDA: Obviously, I think where you see the main kind of differences from the fairways to the greens is how wet the fairways are versus actually how dry the greens are. I was pretty impressed with how well they were rolling. And they weren't too soft. I mean, they were releasing on some shots a good bit.

So overall I think, with the amount of rain that this golf course has gotten, I think they need a round of applause for how good the golf course was today.

Q. Obviously, played pretty well last week, coming off that T6 finish. Anything maybe you took from last week to this week just to continue on?

NELLY KORDA: Just kind of build off of that. Last week was in a sense kind of like a birdie fest out there. So you have to shoot a low one every single day. And trying to continue being aggressive and holing the putts is definitely going to be important.

I think these two events, Thailand and Singapore, I think you need to shoot a low one kind of to win. So hopefully, you know, staying aggressive and keeping the momentum going from last week.

Q. They call this tournament Asia's major. It feels pretty elevated out there. The golf course looks kind of like a major championship course for sure. Do you feel that kind of elevated atmosphere when you play here?

NELLY KORDA: Sure. I think it's definitely a pretty tough golf course. I mean, the fans are amazing. The course is in great condition. I mean, I've never seen tee boxes so nice. They're like -- they literally feel like you can putt off of them.

So, obviously, just the way that they treat us out here and then the golf course condition makes it feel like a major.

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