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February 22, 2023

Nelly Korda

Pattaya, Thailand

Siam Country Club Pattaya, Old Course

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, we are here in the media center at the 2023 Honda LPGA Thailand with Nelly Korda. Nelly, I know it's been a minute since you've been back here, how excited are you to be back in Thailand?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, super excited. I played in '17 and '18. Obviously got canceled in '19, so I haven't been back since.

I love this golf course. I played pretty well out here. I enjoy coming to Thailand. I like playing in hot weather, and also the people are very nice. It's a very enjoyable trip overseas.

Q. You have played well here the past two times you played here. What is it about this course in particular that suits your eye? I mean, it's got to be the golf course.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I feel like it's kind of like a birdiefest out here. You have to shoot a really low one to win, so obviously I think having length helps.

But, yeah, I think bermuda on the greens, so I'm used to that growing up in Florida. Pretty grainy around the golf course as well. Again, I'm used to that.

I don't know. I like the layout. I like the weather, most importantly. And hopefully I have a good four rounds this year as well.

Q. Does it feel like the humidity out there is like Florida?

NELLY KORDA: Well, it's wintertime in Florida right now so it wasn't that hot. Yeah, I do enjoy the humidity and I like this type of weather. Kind of know growing up in humidity what the ball does to it, so obviously a little bit of an advantage there.

Q. Saw you obviously at Hilton this year. 2022 had its challenges, but you got back in the winner's circle last year. Super exciting. I know that's always special. What are you taking from 2022 and carrying with you to 2023? New goals, anything you're really thinking about this year?

NELLY KORDA: To not take anything for granted. You know, you never know what life is going to throw at you. It's full of curve balls, so just appreciate every single moment I'm traveling overseas, like I'm doing this week. I didn't do that last year because I couldn't.

So, yeah, I mean, the goal for 2023 is to stay healthy and to play the full year. Hopefully I can do that. So enjoying myself on and off the golf course is definitely a big goal of mine this year.

Q. Any competitions specific? Everybody wants to win majors and be world No. 1. I know you and Lydia have been kind of trading punches. Anything specific there?

NELLY KORDA: Not really. I mean, at the end of the day the way I look at golf is I'm playing against a golf course. It's different when it comes to, let's say, tennis. You're playing against an opponent. Obviously you have typically 144 girls in a normal sized field every week and you're playing against them.

At the end of the day you're playing against a golf course, and none of the girls can influence you to play bad or play better, right? I mean, at the end of the day it's nice when you're playing in a group that's playing well and the momentum is there in a sense, but you're playing against a golf course.

We'll see how I play against the golf course this year. It's a battle between me and the golf courses.

Q. I love that. I know early events, especially these two, are kind of a good gauge of really what you've worked on in the off-season.


Q. What are you looking for from your game specifically this week?

NELLY KORDA: Well, I played four weeks ago in Orlando, so that was also a good kind of test. I didn't really have too much of an off-season. Played two really cool events in December and obviously the event in January; Hilton Tournament of Champions was really, really fun as well.

Just seeing where the game is at. I mean, obviously you kind of want to peak around majors, big events, but it's a good test to see everything that kind of you've been working on in the off-season, what you kind of need to tweak going into the big stretch of the summer.

Q. And speaking of that, especially these events, how do you manage your energy and try to keep everything in the tank for those events?

NELLY KORDA: I run into that problem every year honestly. Every year is different where I kind of burn myself in the middle of the year or towards the end, so making sure that I am taking the year on slowly in a sense and making sure that my body is 100% is a big goal of mine.

Last thing you want is a burnout physically or mentally. Mentally is typically the tougher one to get out of. That's when you kind of need a little bit more of a break.

But, again, I mean, the goal this year is to just stay healthy 100% and not to overdo it in any aspect.

Q. International Crown is back for the first time in five years, quite a while, and Solheim. Where do those events fit into your schedule? How do you plan for that energy management around those two events as well, because they throw a wrench in everything?

NELLY KORDA: Correct, yeah. The year of Solheim is tough because, again, if it's in the States then it's much easier. Last time I played Solheim it was a wild year where I had to go from the Olympics, Evian, to Japan, Japan to the UK for another major.

So I pretty much had three majors in a row. And then right after that I had Solheim in Toledo. So just managing your energy levels and the travel is going to be tough, especially International Crown obviously if you make it on to the team. It's a big honor to represent your country alongside the other girls that have made it as well.

And then same thing with Solheim. Such a cool experience. Again, such a great honor to represent your country, and hopefully we bring the Cup back this year.

But, yeah, managing the travel of it and your energy level is a big key, and I feel like every year I'm kind of still learning.

Q. Just one more about Crown. I know it means a lot to the tour just because we don't really get to see a lot of our International Crown in that team format. How special is that, and how much does it mean to maybe be able to play in another one this year?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I think it's a such a cool and unique event. I don't remember the last time it was held. I think in '18, in Korea. My sister made the team and she really enjoyed it and said it was a lot of fun playing against so many different countries, girls that would typically not get to play Solheim Cup. So I think it's a really cool and fun and unique event that brings lost of countries in.

Q. Favorite Thai dish? I know everybody talks about the food when we come here.


Q. Are you a Thai food fan?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah. I've been I've been crushing mango sticky rice. I have had it every day so far. I like Pad Thai as well. I enjoy Thai food, so you can't go wrong with anything I think.

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