February 2, 2023
Pebble Beach, California, USA
Pebble Beach Golf Links
Quick Quotes
Q. How would you characterize the first round?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Solid. It was a really solid day. Spyglass is one of the difficult courses here. So got around fairly unfazed and made some good swings and some putts.
Q. What was working particularly well for you out there?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: I don't know that there was anything in particular. We just kind of stayed away from bogeys. I putted well today. I kept it in play. I kept it in play and I putted well.
Q. Seemed like the greens were kind of firm. Did you find them to be firmer than they usually were around here?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: In spots. 16 in particular was a lot softer. That one sticks out in my mind. But the rest of the greens, yeah, they definitely have a little bit of bounce. Especially early on. Like 3 was rock hard at 8 a.m. They definitely have a little bit of kick. They're in great shape.
Q. Did you have a good time playing with Gareth Bale?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: It was awesome, man. Yeah, I met him for the first time last week and, yeah, he's a gem of a guy. He's actually a great player as well.
Q. What did you guys talk about out there?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: We talked about everything. But he was a little nervous to start. Which was shocking to me because some of the stages he's played on. But, yeah, we really were just trying to stay loose and enjoy the day. We talked about everything. He's got a family, kids, loves sports. So yeah, we got along great.
Q. How does it feel and what's going through your mind now that you've come out of Spyglass in such good shape. Did you expect that?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Yeah, that was the goal. We got off to a good solid start today and, yeah, now we got three more days left.
Q. Especially important with the weather coming?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: I just talked to my caddie and he said he's looking at a .15 inch of precipitation tomorrow. So I don't know how bad it's going to be. That's the thing, it's just so unknown here. Especially being on the coast here in Monterey. It could be torrential or it could not even rain tomorrow. Just take it a day at a time and today was a good solid day.
Q. What did you think about Garrett's shot on 2?
JOSEPH BRAMLETT: Oh, my gosh. Yeah, it was funny because I didn't know where he hit it and then I saw where he was taking his practice swings and I was a little concerned. Next thing I know the ball's bouncing up through the rough and he's got three and a half feet. And then he came up to me and he's like, Hey, I think I'm just going to pick it up. And I'm like, No, you got to finish that up-and-down. It's going to be one of the best up-and-downs that we've ever seen. So it was awesome. Yeah, that was cool.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
