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January 16, 2023

Rafael Nadal

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

R. NADAL/J. Draper

7-5, 6-2, 6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Rafa, how do you rate your performance today against a tough opponent?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, good. I need a victory, so that's the main thing. Doesn't matter the way. The most important thing today is a victory against a tough opponent. To win against Jack, as I said before the tournament start, have been one of the toughest first rounds possible being seeded. We know not going to be perfect, as I said the other day. Was not perfect.

But to win against Jack, I need to do things well, no? I think I did things well. So satisfied with the victory because that's give me the chance to play after tomorrow again.

Have been a tough battle, but I accepted well the mistakes. I was humble enough to accept that going to be a little bit ups and downs during the match. Typical thing when you are not in a winning mood. When you lost more, when you are not competing every week, that's the work, no? Accept all these mistakes in a positive way and keep working. That's what I did.

Except in the second set was a big mistake at the beginning. The fourth, I make mistake with 40-15, 40-15. Both times same mistake. Something that can happen today. Keep going.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. This is the first time you played Jack. What impressed you about his game?

RAFAEL NADAL: I mean, I am not impressed because I know he was well. He was a very good player. That's the thing, no? Don't put me I'm not impressed (smiling). I didn't say that.

I mean, as I said before the tournament start, he's a great player with a lot of potential, young. A great future in front, I think. So was a tough, tough match. Full respect for him. Wish him well for the future.

I think it's only cramping what happened at the end to him. Hopefully is nothing important.

But I think he is in the right position to have a very productive season. I am happy that I was able to win against a great player this afternoon.

Q. I want to ask, since this is your first Grand Slam as a daddy, does your baby Rafa give you extra motivation to fight for the title?

RAFAEL NADAL: No. I mean, I have been always enough excited to play every single tournament, no? My approach to the competition is not changing much being dad or not. Honestly, we can create a beautiful history, but it's not the case.

I am enjoying the life having a new member in the family. I always loved the kids. Be able to enjoy this new moment in my life is something beautiful.

In terms of competitive feelings or motivation, not create any impact, no? Only could create a negative impact if I was here for one month, and they were not able to be with me. You don't know how you going to react, you know?

In the new things, I always have been very respectful with the changes in life, no? You don't know how you going to adapt. I don't know my feeling if the baby's not here with me for one month. I don't know if after three weeks I miss him, and I lost a little bit the focus.

Something I was not ready to accept this challenge, so I am happy that my wife accept to come here (smiling).

Q. What was the key for you in the fourth set to come back? You said before you had the game from 40-15 in the opening game, then reeled off six in a row. What was the key for you to come back and storm home?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think at that point of the match, the match was more on my side. That first game was a tough moment. I needed to win that game, to save that game, even with 40-15, then deuce. That's the games that change the match.

Losing that game, then you are in trouble. That's the work today, no? Come back to that winning mood or spirit of saving these key moments, no?

They happen to me I think in Sydney against de Minaur. These four games at the beginning of the second set could be 4-1 for me but was 4-1 for him. Need to keep improving on that, take the most important moments to my side, resist the moments that the opponent is pushing.

Is something that I need to keep working on. I am ready for the challenge, no? I'm ready to keep fighting for it.

And victory helps, I can't lie you on that. When you win matches, you are more relax. You are more confident. You have better chances to resist these moments.

Q. When you were coming back from your ab injuries last year, I'm wondering, did you have to make any technical adjustments to your game to protect yourself? Do you feel fully recovered from all of that now or are there still some lingering effects on the serve, for example?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I am okay. Of course, when you break the abdominal twice, takes a while to recover the confidence on the movement, no? I mean, was difficult for me for a few months to put the ball high and go for the ball.

When you break the abdominal, you start to protect yourself, putting the ball more to the left, trying to not do the movement, the full movement, with the abdominal, no?

Is something I needed to work hard to come back to the normal serve. I think I did it. I need to keep improving in all the aspects of my game.

But I am not playing bad, you know? Just need to hold the positive level for longer time. I am in a moment that I am more up and down. But, as I said, it's part of the business.

For me the first set, if we put everything together, have been very positive set. Not many mistakes. Winners. Playing more or less choosing the right shots all the time, playing the game the right way, no? For me, that was a very positive set.

The negative thing is when I played a very solid set, I finally have the break and win, then I make a big mistake. That's the moments that I need to change and to win these kind of games because makes a big impact on the match.

Q. Did you have to adjust any part of your game, given the tennis balls, what you said on Saturday? Does that still remain a point of frustration at all?

RAFAEL NADAL: I am not frustrated. I'm not going to come back talking about the balls any more because I am here to play tennis. I answered about the balls because somebody asked me about the balls. I said my personal feeling because was an answer, not because I wanted to create a story about the balls. Just was an answer to the question.

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