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January 22, 2023

Nelly Korda

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Nelly Korda. Thanks for coming in. Just overall your experience over the past four days in this final round.

NELLY KORDA: Pretty solid. Obviously a little disappointed with the outcome. What's good is that I have a lot to work and I'm very excited about it. I have four weeks to kind of grind and see where my game is.

Obviously didn't want to peak at all this week. It's like another mini off-season. We're going into Asia and have two weeks off and kind of starts there. Obviously want to peak around the majors.

So it's good to see where my game is at and I have lots to work on.

Q. Did you find yourself pressing at all trying to catch Brooke?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, obviously you're trying to chase her down, right? I just wasn't hitting it good. I was hitting it really well with my driver. I just wasn't executing my shots well.

I was leaving myself really long putts typically I wouldn't, and then I kind of double crossed a couple this week, which I don't remember the last time I did that, in a left-to-right wind.

So lots to work on and I'm pretty excited about it actually.

Q. When you say there is a lot to work on, what would get most of your attention?

NELLY KORDA: Probably my iron play. I was very, very, very disappointed with it this week. And my putting. I think my putting. I made some good saves this week. Made some pretty good saves for up and down today, but up and downs want get you very far.

So making the birdie putts, that's kind of where I struggled and that's where I need to improve.

Q. Seemed one theme was it took a while to get going each day.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, the nine and I didn't really get along too well. Hopefully next year we'll become better friends.

Q. What time is Seb?

NELLY KORDA: Gosh, I mean, he finished last night so he won't play for another day, so he'll have today off and then play tomorrow. I'll be up for that one, though.

Q. Some of us taped and watched this morning. Have you seen a minute of it yet?

NELLY KORDA: Actually, I don't know why, but I woke up at 1-All in the fifth tiebreak and watched at 2:30 in the morning. Subconsciously I woke up just to check the score, and when I saw that it was 1-All in the tiebreak I was like, there is no chance I'm going to sleep now. May as well put it on.

Yeah, I got to watch a little. Saw him win and it was cool.

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