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November 20, 2022

Ryan Fox

Dubai, UAE

Jumeirah Golf Estates

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you reflect on this week, first of all?

RYAN FOX: Probably a little disappointed this week. I probably came in playing nice. Last week, I think it just took it out of me physically a little bit. Felt good out there today but probably took a bit longer than expected to find it.

You know, considering I had a pretty good chance to win the rankings, obviously beating Rory is pretty hard to do but coming into this week with a chance is pretty cool and probably exceeded my expectations for the year.

Q. Did you feel the pressure this week a little bit?

RYAN FOX: Not really. I kind of felt like there was nothing to lose in that regard. If you're a betting man, you put pretty good money on Rory contending this week, as he is, and to get however many points I needed ahead of him.

It was nice to be in that position and it was cool to play with him that first day and get that experience. Like I said, probably a little tired after last week. It was a big push. It was a long week last week and pretty short preparation with a lot of tough going on, and I really struggled to get up the first couple of days. I know that sounds weird, but just one of those. Plus it's 30-some degrees every day; it takes it out of you, and it was just a bit of a struggle the first three days. I actually played pretty nicely over the weekend.

Q. You can take great credit from two wins, four Top 10s as well. Just a remarkable year for yourself.

RYAN FOX: Yeah, if you had given me that at the start of the year, I would have jumped at it obviously. The big goal at the start of the year was to get a win and to get in that Top-50, and I knocked those off pretty quickly this year.

Probably felt like a year I may have let a couple other chances to win slip. But it's pretty hard to win out here, and to get a couple is pretty cool.

It's just a great experience to be in contention all the time. I started to feel a lot more comfortable in that position than I had in previous years, so hopefully I can build on it a little bit more for next year.

Q. I know you're a man that looks ahead, a nice end to the calendar year with some tournaments Down Under for yourself, and you'll also be in the Top-50 in the World Ranking as we approach the end of the calendar year, so you can take great satisfaction in that invite to the Masters next year, too?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, that's one I've been wanting for a long time, since before I turned pro. I guess a couple of years ago, probably thought I was getting a bit old and it was going to be a little bit too hard.

But to get it done this year is amazing, and I have a few mates who are looking forward to a trip to Augusta next year, that's for sure. I have a nice finish to the year, playing in Aussie fields, going home, Aussie PGA, Aussie Open is two great events and over three really good golf courses.

And yeah, I've got a lot of mates down there, a lot of Kiwis that will be playing which will be niece. You get kind of lonely as a Kiwi out here sometimes, although we're going to have Dan Hillier out here next year which is going to be great.

And yeah, just looking forward to catching up with some friends and enjoying some hopefully nice weather and good golf courses Down Under.

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