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November 13, 2022

Allisen Corpuz

Belleair, Florida, USA

Pelican Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Allisen Corpuz who's finished third here at the Pelican Women's Championship. It was an up-and-down day for you, but ultimately a great bounceback on your back nine.

Tell me about your round today. First time experiencing a lot of things this week.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, it was a really fun week. Got to speak at the Women's Leadership Summit to start the week, and not a huge fan of public speaking, but it was really fun.

And then obviously always really fun to play some pretty good golf as well.

Q. Tell me about your round today. Few birdies to start off with, but then, as I said, really rallied on the back nine with the closing birdies on 16 and 17 to pull yourself back to solo third.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, hit the ball really solid all day long. Bogeyed 8; just hit it a little long, but hit a really good approach shot there and wasn't able to make the up and down.

But just, yeah, putter wasn't as hot as I wanted it to be, but hit some really good strokes and put myself in position, and I'm really happy with the week.

Q. Put yourself in the position of playing in the final group on the last day. What did you take away from that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think this is my first time being in the final group, so definitely just trying to learn from the experience and come back better.

Q. Another big week next week playing in the CME Group Tour Championship. Overall looking back at the year, how do you feel you have grown since the start of the year? You played well in Hawaii, you played well a bunch of places, but here at the end of the year you're solidly in contention.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it just means a lot to know that I have it in me. Definitely came out start of the year just hoping as a rookie maybe just keep my card, you know. Just really been nice to get some top finishes and really feel like I belong out here.

Q. You more than kept your card; 32 right now in CME points. Got to feel really happy with that.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I definitely am.

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