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November 13, 2022

Nelly Korda

Belleair, Florida, USA

Pelican Golf Club


Q. (Indiscernible.)

NELLY KORDA: Super nice, yeah. Has a nice ring to it. It's been really nice to see my parents, but, yeah...

Q. 7-under today. First time coming from behind to win. Just awesome.

NELLY KORDA: Thank you.

Q. How does it feel again to regain the No. 1 spot in the world?

NELLY KORDA: Honestly amazing. It's been a tough year. Lots of ups and lots of downs. Missed two cuts in Arkansas and Dallas, but kept my head high and worked really hard during my few weeks off, and feel really good to be back out.

Q. Going into next week, playing for the biggest check...(indiscernible.)

NELLY KORDA: For sure. Yeah, I'm most excited about spending the night in my own bed tonight, and then I'll do some laundry and drive down tomorrow hopefully fresh.

But right now I'm just going to soak this all up with my family, and next week is a new week, so I'm going to try to get back in shape and see how it goes.

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