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October 22, 2022

Linn Grant

Busan, South Korea

LPGA International Busan

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Linn Grant, had a 4-under 68 today, 9-under. I know you're probably going to be a little too far back, but a pretty solid week so far. Evaluate today.

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I started off really good, was 4-under after 9. I thought I had an easy minus 6 going on, but I think I took that out a bit too early.

Still a good back nine, just didn't get the momentum that I had on the front nine.

Q. That eagle on the 2nd, how did that jump start your day?

LINN GRANT: Good. I saved par on the 1st and then I hit a good drive on the 2nd. Managed to reach on two and just hit a good 3-wood up to two meters and holed the putt.

Q. You've been primarily playing on the LET. To be out here on the LPGA Tour and be playing so well, what does that tell you about the state of your game?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I feel like this is where I belong. I get the challenge that I need and kind of the motivation to get better. I feel like that's what I need to up my game a little bit.

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