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September 14, 2022

Rory McIlroy

Rome, Italia

Marco Simone Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How proud are you of the continuation of the performance over the summer?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, it's been great. I feel like every time I tee is up nowadays, I'm finding myself in contention on a Sunday. You're obviously not going to win every week, but if you give yourself a chance at least every week, that's a really good start.

You're going to win some, you're going to lose some, but if you can play golf at a consistently high level like I have done for the last two months and you give yourself as many chances as possible, you're going to win some that you probably shouldn't and you're going to lose some that you probably should win. But it should all even out at the end today, and as long as I keep putting myself in positions, keep giving myself chances to win, that's what I'm really happy with.

Q. Your first appearance in Italy as a professional this week, how important was it for you to get a good look at The Ryder Cup venue for next year?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, it was really important to be here. Every other European Ryder Cup venue I've played, I've played before, whether it be in tournaments or -- I just wanted to get some prep. I wanted to get an early look at the golf course. I knew that I wouldn't be able to come back here next May and play because of the schedule and everything else, so this is my one opportunity to play.

I wanted to be here. I wanted to come and have a look at the golf course and feel like I've got a little bit of a head start on everyone else in terms of The Ryder Cup for 2023.

But it's not just about that. Look, it's great to play the golf course and great to play in competition, but I'm here to try to win a golf tournament, too. So trying to kill two birds with one stone this week.

Q. As an official leader on the golf course, have you spoken to Luke about preparations for Team Europe?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, we've chatted a little bit. Not much but a few of us are all catching up tonight to sort of have a chat about sort of everything. I think Luke's got his thoughts and ideas and plans. I think the one thing I've alluded to the last couple of weeks, I think it is the right time to start to look towards the future of The European Team. We've done obviously incredibly well with the core group of guys we've had over the last two decade, basically.

But all good things come to an end at some point and I think it is time to sort of start that process and blood some of the newer guys, but it's up to those guys to put their hand up for selection. That process started last week, and we're just going to have to see how that goes over the next 12 months. But it would be great to get some younger guys in the team. I think a home Ryder Cup is the best place to introduce them to The Ryder Cup, as well. Hopefully we see some new faces on the team next year.

Q. And you had a special journey yesterday?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, we went around Borghese with our daughter which was nice. We have been really enjoying the city, enjoying Rome. My wife actually studied in Rome for seven months when she was in college, so she knows the city pretty well. It's been nice for her to acquaint herself with Rome.

Q. Your personal career and your ambition right now, you are runner-up in Wentworth, No. 2 in the world. What do you think of your position right now?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, just to keep my form as high as possible. I have gotten to No. 2 in the world and I would love to top the DP World Tour rankings at the end of the year and get closer to that No. 1 spot in the word.

These are all ambitions that I have had for the last few months, and every week that I play it seems I'm getting closer and closer to achieving them. This is another opportunity this week to get closer to those ambitions.

Q. Seeing you in The Italian Open around this Ryder Cup venue, Luke said in his press conference that it's similar Celtic Manor?

RORY McILROY: Yeah, similar to Celtic Manor and similar to Gleneagles, a little, too, just warmer, better weather here.

Yeah, I think the thing about being a home Ryder Cup is you have home advantage. So you can set the golf course up to favour the European players in a way and that's important. If you look at all The Ryder Cups since 2014, the home side has won every one. That's become a big factor in The Ryder Cup and it will be a big factor here as well.

Q. Looking at the schedule for 2023, you'll be here in May for The Italian Open in May before The Ryder Cup?

RORY McILROY: No, I won't be. That's why I'm here in September here because I won't be able to make it in May. The schedule is pretty packed in the United States that time of year and that's where I'll be. That's why it's a good opportunity to get here this year to see the golf course because I won't be able to get here in May but then once September comes for The Ryder Cup, I'll have some experience on this golf course.

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