September 8, 2022
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Kenwood Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. Here with Jasmine Suwannapura. Off to a really good start. I know you were feeling under the weather today. Grinding out that round, got to be pretty proud.
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Pretty proud, I think because I don't feel that well today and I just play my best on each shot and I didn't really expect anything, to be honest.
I'm like, okay, I hit the tree, I hit in the rough. All right, try to up and down I guess. So just really chill mindset today.
Q. Were you able to see the whole golf course before you played today? Were you one of the people that only saw nine holes?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Well, I went walk nine on Tuesday and play the pro-am yesterday. So get to see, but didn't get to play.
Q. Does that help you keep the expectations in check, too, when you are like, I don't really know that nine; just going to do what I can?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yes, for sure, yeah.
Q. What was working so well for you today? Was it more ball striking? Were you able to make some putts? Were you just playing...
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Putts pretty good today. Might be a little not that great with the speed, but I can up and down most of them.
And then obviously make, what, six birdie. It's from putting mostly. I don't think I hit it that close, so must be hitting the fairway and make some putts today for sure.
Q. Is it strange on the approaches? I've heard the fairways are soft and you hit into the greens and they're firm. How do you think about that mentally? It's got to be weird.
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, actually surprise me on a couple holes. I land it like right next to the pin but it roll like ten.
I'm like, Woo, yeah, that was like -- yeah, that was just surprising me in that couple hole today.
Q. Hopefully get to feeling better tomorrow. What lessons did you learn about the golf course that you'll carry with you for the next three rounds?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I learn that because even though you see the golf course, you expect to play from this tee and that tee, and today because so wet, they did move the tee up, and then that way the game plan is change today, too.
So this golf course just have to be really good game plan, and sometime you don't have to hit driver. Just need to hit it in the fairway. Because you got (indiscernible) lies. I mean, why would you hit driver and then had a chance to go in the rough. Just a couple yards more, something like that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
