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September 8, 2022

Pornanong Phatlum

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Kenwood Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Pornanong Phatlum. Really good way to start your week here at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G. 4-under round today; bogey-free. Just walk me through the round. What was going so well?

PORNANONG PHATLUM: Today I just feel like I'm very relax and playing very good for today.

Yeah, I mean, like I just can practice only nine hole yesterday and I didn't see on the back -- yeah, back nine.

But my caddie help me a lot about the layout and planning for today, and just like try to hit my best and it just going well today.

Q. Still damp out there I would imagine. Were you able to take advantage of the soft conditions or were you really attacking pins out there?

PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah, yeah, just try to go to the pin. Everything is soft today, but the green is pretty firm after yesterday and the green is faster than yesterday.

Like in the beginning of the round I just try to control the speed, and everything is going well.

Then just playing well today.

Q. Not seeing one nine, does that help you keep your expectations in check, keep them low, at least going into the first round?

PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah, I feel like on the back nine, yeah, I just focus on my game and didn't expect that much about how I have to play good or like that.

So it just play my game and everything good, yeah.

Q. What did you learn today finally seeing the whole golf course at once that you'll take with you into the rest of the week?

PORNANONG PHATLUM: I think this morning it's just -- the wind is just calm so everything is just like easier than the afternoon. I mean, like the wind picked up in the afternoon and it's feel like it's more harder and have to like planning about shot, every shot, like more than like in the morning game, yeah.

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