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August 28, 2022

Sepp Straka

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

East Lake Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Talked with you last week at the BMW, and you talked about your excitement coming in here. You had a great week. How are you feeling after your first time at East Lake?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, pretty excited. I had played here a few times before and I knew the course kind of suited me pretty well.

Honestly didn't have my best game this week, but I just kind of put it together. When the driver was off, my putter was on, and when my putter was off my driver was on, so I never really got in trouble, which was nice. Kind of pieced it together.

And yeah, overall very happy with the week.

Q. Home state. You were talking last week about being excited to get back in front of some Dawgs fans. What was the atmosphere like this week?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, it was awesome. A lot of Georgia fans, a lot of friends from high school, and family and friends that came to watch. The support was huge, and it was a great time.

Q. Special season for you; as you finish it up, your thoughts and your feelings, what are the emotions running through you as you recap a great season?

SEPP STRAKA: Yeah, it's a dream come true, really this season. I accomplished so many things I wanted to do in my life, and to be able to finish it off competing out here kind of close to the top at least was a special way to end it.

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