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August 21, 2022

K.H. Lee

Wilmington, Delaware, USA

Wilmington Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. K.H., very nice playing today. How much pressure did you feel out there today to try and improve your position to not just try and win the golf tournament but all the other ramifications, all the other things that were going on?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, honestly a lot of pressure this week. Last year I finished 31, so I don't want to same spot this year. But I think after third round, maybe 34, 35 spot, that is less pressure than inside the top 30 over there. But just I'm trying today to never think about my position, just I try my best. Really good start four holes, so that really helped today.

Q. I was going to ask you about that start. Can you just talk us through how you felt after you had made that fourth birdie going to the next hole?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, I mean, so cool. Four days in a row, first hole birdie, and then second hole birdie. Third, fourth is already 4-under. Maybe feels like maybe my day today. I try more keep more play well and then finishing good.

Q. When you finished you were projected to be, I think, 21. I don't think it's a lock, but will you go into the clubhouse? Will you watch the television, watch the scoreboard to see what happens in the next hour or two?

K.H. LEE: Yeah. I mean, yes, I'm with my family and with a baby, so I will just play with my baby and let's see after today, yeah.

Q. Were you also thinking about the international Presidents Cup team?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, really I want to -- I hope to play in Presidents Cup. Also before a little pressure myself, but just myself, just playing well. If I there, it's really an honor for me.

Q. What did it feel like to be 31st last year?

K.H. LEE: Yeah, I mean, 31 is a really cruel spot. Honestly I first just think about just best 31, so a little sad, but hopefully not more next year.

Q. Do you feel more happy now than you did last year? Are you more happy now or sad last year?

K.H. LEE: Definitely way more happy.

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