July 13, 2022
Midland, Michigan, USA
Midland Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. What is the team name this week between you two? Did you guys come up with one?
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Boba Milk Tea, because both love Boba Milk Tea. It's a variation, but, yeah.
Q. Listen, it's a name, and it's a good name. I'm going to start with you, Pornanong. Just overall some of the highlights that you both took away from today's first round of the team event.
PORNANONG PHATLUM: For today she hit, like, driver very good for today.
PORNANONG PHATLUM: And make me like easy to approach. We hit all the 18 greens today, I think.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Oh, yeah, yeah.
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Yeah, we make some putt too.
Q. Pavarisa, what was the strategy as you guys got ready for today's round?
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Well, we didn't really talk much. We just go out and I think we were just have fun.
We both love this event and this is our first time playing together, so it's fun, though. We just want to go out there, like no pressure at all. Doesn't matter if I play bad or I play good or if she's going to miss or anything. We just go and enjoy it. It's nice. It's very nice. It's fun, yeah.
Q. Pornanong, who asked who to be each other's partners? When did this partnership become official?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: Me asked, yeah.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: I was waiting. I was, like, is she going to ask me or not, but yeah.
Q. It was an easy ask?
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Yeah. Right away.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: She didn't even finish the sentence. I was, like, yes, yes. Please, yes.
Q. What does it mean to be partnering with Pornanong? How do you complement each other's games out there on the course?
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Well, she's a great player, one of the best in Thailand. I was, like, why not? I know I can hit, and she can hit too. We both have -- she's been playing good, like, the whole time. Why not? It's a good opportunity, and out here anything can win with this team event.
Let's give it a chance, and, yeah, after first round it turned out pretty good.
Q. Pornanong, what do you like most about a team event like this?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: I think it's go have fun with each other, and it's like different every week. Like we play by myself.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: We have too much pressure. We need some fun. (Laughing). Too much pressure, yeah.
Q. I like that. Now, thinking about tomorrow, Pavarisa, what is the game -- is there any game plan, or are you going to take it just like you took today?
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: No game plan. Just go out and play. Just go for everything, like I told her. And I think good thing is we both have the same kind of style. Just like go for everything. Why you need to lay up here? Just go for everything. I told her, no lay-up. Just go.
Q. What do you mean style? You mean in terms of play style?
Q. What kind of style is that?
Q. Impressive.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: Impressive, yeah.
Q. Pornanong, how impressive is it for a day like tomorrow when the scores will probably be pretty low to be aggressive on some of the pin locations?
PORNANONG PHATLUM: I think for me I trust on her. I feel like, yeah, we can go aggressive for tomorrow too. We just try our best. We know score will be low, but we'll just try to be our game and play on our -- yeah.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: And the course is different this year. Sorry.
PAVARISA YOKTUAN: But like for the past two years it's kind of like fast, the greens are fast, but this year it's just -- because of the rain for the last couple of days it just changed. I think aggressive play will do, yeah.
Q. All right. Well, thank you both.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
