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July 2, 2022

Rafael Nadal

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

R. NADAL/L. Sonego

6-1, 6-2, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Great performance. Give us your thoughts on that match.

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, thank you. Have been my best match, without a doubt, since the tournament start. Make improvement today. Very happy for that. I made I think a lot of things much better than the previous days, the determination, the way that I manage to play more aggressive, going to the net plenty of times.

Yeah, happy. It's good victory against a great player. Very happy for that.


Q. Can you just clear up please your unhappiness at 4-All in the third set and at the net, end of the match. Was it due to his grunting that was causing the issue?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, first of all, I have to say that I was wrong. Probably I will not -- I should not call him on the net. So apologize for that. My mistake in that. No problem. I recognize that.

Then after that, all the stuff during the match that I don't want to comment, because is something that I spoke with him in the locker room and it stays there. Only thing I can say is I saw him personally. I apologize for that.

My intention was never to bother him at all. Just to tell one thing that was bothering me that I think he was doing in that moment, but that's it.

I think there is some codes between players. Yeah, we had some issues there. But that's it.

Q. A lot of us were also watching the Kyrgios/Tsitsipas match which had a lot of controversy, and you were just talking about codes between colleagues. These guys are hitting balls at each other, berating the umpire, all this type of thing. You have a reputation for not doing that. I just wonder what's your view on, you know, sportsmanship and where the line should be and whether some of these players are crossing that line.

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, the ethic is a line that is difficult to analyze, because the things that are correct for you can be uncorrect for me, and is difficult to put the line. Where is the line that the things are done the proper way or the negative way, no?

I think everyone have to go to the bed with being calm with the things that you have done, and if you can't sleep with calm and being satisfied with yourself, it's because you did thing that probably were not ethical, correct.

But then I didn't see the match, so I can't have a clear opinion. I know these kind of matches can be harder.

Q. Your next round opponent it Botic van de Zandschulp, who you recently defeated at the French Open. What additional challenges do you think he will pose to you on the grass court?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, he's a player that have been improving unbelievable the last year. Was a good challenge in the French and I think he will be more, no? He's a complete player with a lot of great things, and I need to keep going the way that I played today, no? Playing aggressive and playing with the right energy. Let's see.

He's a tough opponent, but we are in fourth round. That's the way that it should be.

Q. On so many occasions at this part of the tournament you have been able to look at the draw and see your great rival, Roger Federer was also in the draw. What is it like for you now to be in this tournament, the first tournament, the first Wimbledon that Roger has missed since the 1990s? What's that like for him not to be in this tournament right now?

RAFAEL NADAL: I think I answered that question, but I gonna say it again.

Well, it's a negative thing. But the life, that's the circle of life, you know. Time happens, and the watch, the clock never stops. This kind of stuff we need to get use.

But in a personal way, of course my personal relationship with Roger have been always great, and probably my greatest rival. At the same time all the things that we shared together on court is something difficult to describe, the emotions, all the things.

And of course I personally miss him in the tennis tour, and tennis of course miss him, tournaments, fans, everyone.

But as I said...

Q. Particularly here?

RAFAEL NADAL: Everywhere. No, no, we can't create a story just about Wimbledon. I think Roger Federer is important in every single tournament. Not only Wimbledon. Is a well-missed player in every single event of tennis, without a doubt.

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