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June 24, 2022

Minjee Lee

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

Congressional Country Club (Blue Course)

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Here with Minjee Lee. 3-under round today. 3-under 68. I want to talk about No. 18. Or your -- yeah, 18. That was a heck of a save you had there on that last hole. What were you thinking when you were out there in all that tall grass finding your ball?

MINJEE LEE: I really hit a bad drive off the tee, and then I had a kind of funky lie in between the bunkers, and then I had a really bad shot into, obviously, the hazard.

Then I did hit a good pitch shot in and a good putt to save the par, so I'm happy with the finish. I'm happy with the hole, but I'm not happy with the shots that I hit on that hole.

THE MODERATOR: Is that definitely just one of those holes that you look back on, and that was a really dang good par?

MINJEE LEE: Yes. I mean, I guess there's good and bad, but it's good to finish on a par on the 18th. It's a tough hole.

THE MODERATOR: Overall it's a tough course, but you played really well today. One, two, three, four, five birdies on your card, looks like. What were some of the highlights of the round for you?

MINJEE LEE: So I think the back nine, did I make three birdies or two birdies?

THE MODERATOR: You made three birdies I'm showing right here.

MINJEE LEE: They were all good birdies. I hit really good shots into those holes. I just needed a few birdies coming in just to make up some ground, and I think I put myself in a pretty good position for the weekend. So I'm happy with my round today.

THE MODERATOR: Another week. Another strong major finish -- or major start for you. Are you still riding some of that U.S. Women's Open high, or have you moved on?

MINJEE LEE: I think I've kind of moved on now. I reset my mind. Just going into last weekend, obviously, this week is a major, so I'm kind of trying to stay fresh and kind of be in this moment more than my U.S. Open moment, which is past now. I'm just trying to be in the present moment, which is right now here at KPMG.

Q. This incredible run that you've been on, is it because of the good holes you've been playing or is it because you've been able to make saves like you did on 18 today?

MINJEE LEE: I'm playing the good holes well, and I'm playing kind of the difficult holes a little bit better. I think as long as you're trying to minimize the damage on the holes you didn't hit a good shot on or you have a difficult situation in. I think that's sort of what I set out to do and kind of my goals for those holes.

Q. How much has your improved putting taken pressure off of your long game?

MINJEE LEE: I mean, obviously, I feel like when I have those inside, what, 15-foot putts, I get to strike with a little bit more freedom and try and see the ball roll into the hole a bit better. I think that's what's helped me the most, and just that I can putt with a bit more freedom.

Q. What's your thought process now on this major now that you're chasing as opposed to the U.S. Women's Open when you had a lead. Does it change at all how you prepare and how you go into a round?

MINJEE LEE: I think after the second day I didn't have a lead at the Open. I was probably behind maybe.

I don't know. This golf course is a little bit different. I have been able to be a bit more aggressive because it's been so soft, but I'm not sure what it's going to be like on the weekend. Maybe they'll turn the water off, tuck the pins.

At the moment we've been able to use a little bit more of the contour of the greens to get it to the holes. They've just been zipping back with my wedges.

Yeah, I think in terms of that, I can play a little bit more aggressive, but chasing is always fun. You can try to be a bit more aggressive when you play.

Q. You talk about staying in the present at this major, but is it natural still to feel momentum and extra confidence from what you just accomplished?

MINJEE LEE: I mean, definitely. I think if I reflect back and look back at the U.S. Open, just the memories that I have and just the way I played I think I can take a lot of confidence out of that.

I can definitely take that into playing wherever I am, so yeah, I'll always look back and --

Q. Beyond the sheer length of the par-5 holes, what seems to be the biggest challenge?


Q. Yeah.

MINJEE LEE: For me I think the first two days it was managing the spin. It has been spinning so much more than I thought it would. I've had a bit longer putts than -- I pitch it just past the pin or pin high, and it's been zipping back. That's probably been the toughest thing.

Come the weekend, it's not going to do that. Yeah, I think just all the par-5s are really strong here. All the par-3s are really strong. I think as long as you're playing those holes really well, then some of the par-4s you can really -- today we could get on one of the holes, get on. Yeah, just play smart and be aggressive when you can.

Q. How would you like to see them set the course up for the weekend?

MINJEE LEE: I don't know with the weather. I don't know if you can get it super hard and super fast, but I think off the tees it's quite generous. If the greens get a little bit firmer and a little bit quicker, then I think it's going to be a really tough test.

THE MODERATOR: Thanks so much, Minjee. See you tomorrow.

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