June 16, 2022
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Blythefield Country Club
Press Conference
Q. Here with Jasmine Suwannapura. Really good start here at Blythfield Country Club, 4-under 68. Five birdies, one bogey on the card. What was working so well for you out there? Was it ball striking?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I think my driver was pretty good today and my putter was pretty hot. I mean, my irons doesn't really hit -- I didn't really hit it that close today to be honest, but I made really good long putts today. Like the speed of the good. I think I had one three-putt.
But the speed is really good, and then make some like long putts.
Q. This golf course doesn't seem like it has a lot of challenge to it. Does it get more difficult when you get to the greens?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: Yeah, because one thing about this green is they don't have a grain, so you kind of like -- you walk in and you don't really see the grain. All you can see is just the slope of the green in general, but it can be pretty tricky here.
Q. How are you and your caddie reading these greens and what worked so well today that helped you make a lot of long putts?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I've been practice a lot for the speed of the green. I notice it since last week that my speed been pretty good. Then even the long putts I don't really have to worry so much.
That's been pretty good for me, that I don't really make short mistake and make a bogey because that's cause a lot of, you know.
Q. 13 of 13 fairways; 15 of 18 greens. Ball striking has been really key for you, at least for today. What have you been working on?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I've been working on drivers, so my driver got a lot more confidence the past two weeks.
I think less basically. I just hit balls. Been playing golf for so many years, and, I mean, it's just a little bit here and there can take your mind off and got a little bit of distraction in your head.
We talk about split second, yeah.
Q. Good round today. Three days left. A lot of golf. What will you carry with you from today into the rest of the week?
JASMINE SUWANNAPURA: I would say I would carry my driver and speed of the putting, because if you can do this, you know, both of them will help us a lot.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
