June 10, 2022
Galloway, New Jersey, USA
Seaview, A Dolce Hotel
Quick Quotes
Q. Here with Lindsey Weaver. Lindsey, a 3-under day today. Just take me through wast the first day was like.
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, didn't get off to the best start. I had a wedge in my hand on the first hole and I made bogey, so that wasn't too great.
Just kind of tried to let it roll off me and just stay patient. I was able to make a couple birdies on the back nine, so I think I made five birdies total today, which is decent.
Made a couple putts. I switched putters this week, like yesterday, so it was really rolling pretty well today, so that was good.
Yeah. Pretty steady.
Q. When you made the turn, what kicked off, do you think, coming up on the front nine -- on your back nine? Sorry.
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Well, I chipped in -- hit it long on 1, my 10th, and so I chipped in after that.
So that was kind of a kick starter to get a little more comfortable on the back.
Q. And take me through some of the birdies there. I know you had that bogey on 7, but before that you were a birdie machine.
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I made birdie on 3. I had like seven feet; made that.
Then made birdie on 5 and I had like nine feet; made that.
I had like eight feet on 6; made that.
All left-to-righters, all really the same putts.
Had a really good look on 7 but just kind of misread it.
Q. Take me through the new putter decision. Was that last minute that you decided to make that change?
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Well, I was putting with it all when I was at home, but kind of got here and just like wasn't really sure. My husband was just like, commit to it; it's fine. So I just decided to go with it and just went out, so, yeah.
Q. How comfortable are you feeling out there, especially after your back nine like today?
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: I feel good. I had three weeks off, so never kind of know what to expect once you come back again. And it's going to be a long summer, so just kind of trying to stay patient.
Yeah, it was a good day so far.
Q. Taking some of those weeks off, I know you recently moved. What was that like for you last week?
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, closed on a new house about 15 minutes away in approximate Prosper, Texas. That was a bit difficult. We moved on Friday. Closed on Friday morning and basically spent the whole weekend moving in.
It was a huge disaster. We rented like a 26-foot U-Haul and it was not big enough. So we just have a lot of stuff. I left my husband to kind of deal with it.
And then on Sunday my husband and I actually played in a pickleball tournament as well, double tournament, which we ended you up getting bronze at, so that was fun.
So I didn't really spend that much time on the golf course when I was home, which was kind of nice. I feel very refreshed coming into these next few weeks.
Q. How much do you think that helps knowing that the summer swing upon us and there is going to be a couple tournaments in a row and a couple majors you've got on your list?
LINDSEY WEAVER-WRIGHT: Yeah, I think having time like that just away from the golf course to compress is invaluable to me personally. I love being home, so that was great to have a good amount of time at home before coming out here for like -- I know I'm going to be out here for a while, so it's just nice.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
