June 3, 2022
Southern Pines, North Carolina, USA
Pine Needles Lodge and Golf Club
Quick Quotes
Q. Sei Young Kim, 3-under 68. Can you talk us through your round today?
SEI YOUNG KIM: I think it was very helpful having a birdie in the first round, and then I got bogey, bogey so I was kind of -- my shot was shaking a little bit, but then towards the end I had a birdie, so I think that was the reason that I had such a high score for today.
Q. You put together two rounds that put you in a good position. How are you going to replicate that going into the weekend?
SEI YOUNG KIM: I think that the green is very good here, but it's also very challenging, and then having the pin position is very important.
But there's always these risk factors when you attack the pin position, so I think that you have to have a very clear strategy and plan for every shot.
Q. So you are naturally aggressive. How do you play away from some of these hole locations that you know were tucked very close?
SEI YOUNG KIM: I think this weekend I don't think that it's a good idea to be aggressive or very -- I think I have to have a very set plan and follow my plans through, and I have to be somewhat calculating and have a very -- I have to be very sure.
So if I need to look at something, I need to look at something. If I have to avoid something, I must avoid that.
Thank you.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
