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May 24, 2022

Jelena Ostapenko

Paris, France

Press Conference

J. OSTAPENKO/L. Bronzetti

6-1, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: You got your first win under your belt. The conditions were quite heavy, and those conditions don't really favor you, but how did you manage to win today?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: Yeah, I mean, the balls were really heavy because I think was raining yesterday so was a little bit different from the normal conditions.

I managed it, and I think I played really well first set. Second set was a little bit worse, but in general I think it's really good for the first match.


Q. Can you describe your relationship with Marion Bartoli and maybe the most important thing she brings to you.

JELENA OSTAPENKO: We're really good friends and we always talk. She sometimes give me some advices. Always really good friends with her and we almost talk every day. Yeah.

Q. What does it feel like being back at Roland Garros this year? What memories does it bring back? What do you hope that you can achieve this year?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I mean, it's really special place for me of course. I really love to play here.

I hope the conditions will be better in the next days. It will be more sunny and the balls will be a little bit lighter, so it's going to be better for me.

Yeah, I think, as I said, it's a special place. I felt like I was playing well today, and I hope I can bring that tennis into the next round.

Q. How good this win feels after five losses in a row? Was there any particular reason why this streak was so long?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: First of all, I don't think it was really long; and second of all, I was injured. In Miami I was already injured.

I felt my wrist, and after that, I had to take two weeks off and to do some treatment on my wrist. That's why I couldn't play the Billie Jean King Cup and the Stuttgart tournament. And of course, Rome and Madrid was also tough after injury, first tournaments, you feel like you still have pain but you don't really have pain. It's more like mental.

So it needs some time to get rid of those thoughts, because I felt like in the practice I was playing really well, like I was playing many like points against good girls, and I was winning most of them.

So I felt like I have to bring this tennis to the tournament. So I think today was much, much better.

Q. How would you define what success would be at this tournament for you?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I mean, I'm just gonna take one match at a time. I don't want to take any thoughts in like advance. So I'm just gonna focus on my next match and hopefully I can bring the best tennis there and take one match at a time.

Q. I always wait for a player to say, I'm going to take four matches at a time. That would be amazing. Here's my question: What is the difference between when you are striking dozens of winners and when your game goes off? Is it mental? Technical? What changes?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I think it's more mental, because honestly, like, when I'm practicing, I'm playing really, really well, as I mentioned before. Like, I play against good girls, some like points, and most of them I win, really -- not easy, but quite easy, because I'm playing really well. Then sometimes I go on the court to play a match and I'm a completely different person, completely different player. Then I'm like, What's happening with me on the matches?

So I just try to bring all that from practice to the matches, because I think tennis is like 70% mental game.

Q. When you win big matches, when you won this, it was mental?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: You mean this tournament?

Q. Yeah.

JELENA OSTAPENKO: At those times, it was much easier, because I was first of all not seeded, not many players knew me, so I was kind of new to the tour. Of course I did well in juniors but I was new to the pros. After that, all completely changed because now players are ready to play against me and they are getting ready for a fight when they have to play against me.

So it's a little bit different. But I still feel if I play my game and if I'm confident I can make some damage on the tour.

Q. A question off the court. There has been a lot of talk about Wimbledon obviously with the ranking points decision. I wonder what your thoughts are on it and if it changes your plans. Do you still plan to go to Wimbledon? What are your thoughts?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I mean, I think it has to be, how you say, not honest -- how you say this? Honest? No, not honest. How is this word? I forgot the word.

It has to be fair to everyone. Of course we players can say our opinions, but I feel like still we are not the ones who are making the decision. There are of course a lot of rumors and talks, but I think maybe they are going to change their mind. I'm not sure about points. But I think a lot of things may happen within the next, like, week or two weeks.

That's my personal opinion. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. But we will see what's gonna happen.

But, I mean, if there are no points, I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do. I still want to focus on this tournament, and after, I want to see. Because I feel like it's a little bit unfair to play the tournament when there are no points and you kind of, you can win the tournament and then you don't move one spot up in the ranking. So it's a little bit strange.

But of course it's very prestigious tournament, so still, I mean, of course I love Wimbledon and I want to play it. Hopefully, I don't know, something will change within the next few weeks.

Q. I don't know if you have seen the recent WTA calendar, but there is another tournament in your region. There is not many of them. Are you planning to participate in September in Tallinn?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I saw it, but I think so far it was not in my plans, but of course it may change. Yeah, we will see. September is still far away. It's almost three months in advance. But I think so far it was not in my plans. But as I said, everything can change.

Q. I think I'm right in saying you may not know Alize Cornet, next round, obviously French and home player. The crowd here are quite unique. What's it like going into a match that you know they are probably going to be cheering against you and how do you handle that from a mental perspective?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I think it's even better for me when someone is cheering against me, I'm more focused and playing much better.

Yeah, of course she's a good player, and it's gonna be a tough match, but I also feel like it's her home, so maybe she's going to have more pressure than me. Yeah, I'm just looking forward to it. I think if I'm going to play the same way as I played today, it can be a good match.

Q. A lot of players tell us they want to be more consistent, but I think that the brand of tennis you play is high-risk, high-reward, where you are always going for the lines. Do you think in your own game about being more consistent, or do you just accept that when you go on a hot streak then you've got to really try and keep it up?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I mean, I was trying to be more consistent, but then I was losing too many matches. And I think if I'm taking risk and just going for it, and moving my feet well -- I think everything depends on my feet. If I move my feet well, I feel the ball really well, and I can strike a lot of winners.

So since Dubai I was trying to play more aggressive and just step in the court and hit more winners, and I think it was working pretty well. Of course I'm not counting those four tournaments because obviously, as I said, I was injured, it was tough.

Again today I felt like I was also stepping in the court and it was really hard for the opponent to hold my pace.

Q. You were the last player to beat Iga Swiatek. I think kind of the whole tour wants to know how you did it. Just wondering what you make of her run since you beat her?

JELENA OSTAPENKO: I mean, of course she's a great player and she's playing really well now.

Yeah, when I played against her, I feel like I'm going really focused into that match. I really know what to do and how to play against her, so, yeah... I don't know what else to say (smiling).

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