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April 21, 2022

Allisen Corpuz

Los Angeles, California, USA

Wilshire Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Allisen Corpuz. Allisen, I was in the clubhouse and I heard cheers out the window. Everyone rushed outside to see what was going on. We had a hole in one today. Take us through what happened there on 18.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I hit a really solid 9-iron and it just took a small bounce and went in.

Really surprised but really glad that it happened.

Q. Did you watch at all?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I did. Yeah, it looked really good in the air, but it just looked like it was going to be close until it disappeared.

Q. It's nice to have fans back here in LA, so we definitely heard the reaction. Did you give a celebration within yourself?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, definitely. I think it's always hard mid-round when it happens. There is just that little bit of an adrenaline boost.

But, yeah, it was really nice. Got some high fives throughout the group. Yeah, it was nice.

Q. It's the second-ever hole in one at the LA Open here. For you, I would assume you played Wilshire here a time or two being a USC grad yourself. What's it like to be here competing in the LA Open?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: It's nice. I mean, I've had so many people shout a, Fight on out at me as I go through the course. It's really awesome to have the local support and just have a couple people out here rooting for us this week.

Q. Absolutely. On top of that, every hole in one this year is $20,000 donated to St. Jude Childrens Hospital. What does it mean that something that you're doing and that's happy for you can also benefit something like curing cancer?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think that's definitely an awesome organization for the money to go to, and I'm really glad it'll support them.

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