April 19, 2022
Los Angeles, California, USA
Wilshire Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. Here with Jillian Hollis. Another successful Monday Q for you. It's two this season so far. How excited are you to just be in the field here at Wilshire?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: I'm super excited. I love this tournament. I love coming to California. This is like one of my favorite places to come visit.
I loved Aviara as well, like down in Carlsbad. It's just the people out here are so nice and I have a lot of friends out here and it's been a lot of fun, so I'm pretty excited to play this week.
Q. You are a veteran out here.
Q. Well, not like -- no, no, but you've been out here a little bit.
Q. What's it like as someone that has been playing on the LPGA for a little bit having to go back to the Monday Q kind of lifestyle? Sorry, that's a loaded question.
JILLIAN HOLLIS: I was thinking about this last night, and like the past two years, I guess my rookie years, they were definitely a struggle and I wasn't really enjoying myself.
I was playing out here and didn't really find joy off the golf course and it made really -- golf really not enjoyable for me as well.
Wasn't playing well, I wasn't swinging well, wasn't in a great place, and like even in the beginning of this year I did two Monday qualifiers and like made a nine on the first hole of the one Monday qualifier.
I just found myself complaining so much about things and thinking like, oh, I have to do Monday qualifiers. And even last year when I was struggling I was finding stuff just during the day like to complain about. And even being on the LPGA. What's there to complain about out here?
You know, it's so funny how much your mind plays into it and how it's so mental. After those two Monday qualifiers I just shifted my mindset a little bit and said, I'm just going to try to enjoy myself this year, and like if I Monday -- I told myself if I Monday, I get to play out here; if not, I go to the Epson Tour and play in Utah.
Honestly, I was so excited to go play in Utah. Like just every week getting to play competitive golf, I'm so much happier now. I'm having so much fun off the golf course as well as on the golf course with my friends around and people I love.
It's just been a totally different experience the last couple of months playing golf. I've seen it in my scores and in my swing, but it's not so much like, oh, I'm back in the Monday -- I'm so lucky to be able to have status and be able to go play in Monday qualifiers and to do this, and then play well is just a bonus.
Like my golf scores are my golf scores, but playing every day and doing what I love, I've found that joy again, and I'm surrounding myself with a lot of great people.
I know that was a lot more that question but I had to really like think about it.
Q. All good. Just what really changed for you to kind of get you out of that funky kind of like bothered mindset? What shifted?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: How long do you have?
Q. All day, girl.
JILLIAN HOLLIS: I changed a lot of things. I did it -- you know, I had to change my mindset. I had to look at a couple things in my life and make those changes as well.
My coach has been awesome. My family has been super supportive of me. I have just made some lifestyle changes. I had an injury last year, so that was a huge bummer. Probably contributed a little bit to not playing well.
But I've been working out a lot. I hired a trainer and he's been helping me a ton. Hired a couple people to just kind of help me and hold me accountable for everything.
So a lot of things that I don't necessarily share, right now at least, but it's -- I have so many great people in my life that have helped me and I couldn't have done it without them.
Q. That's awesome. For you, how proud are you of the growth that you've made in really not a long amount of time?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: I'm pretty proud of myself. It's been a journey. Everyone has their things, and the past is the past. You can look back and learn from it but I'm just so happy for the future I guess, and my present.
Like I could sit here and be, I'm so proud of myself. But at the same time, I'm enjoying what I'm doing and I'm so happy that I get to do this. I guess pride isn't really the feeling I have, but more joy than anything.
Q. And that's really important out here.
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Yeah, so important.
Q. Looking ahead to this week, Wilshire Country Club, have you been here before?
Q. If you have, what do you like?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: I actually did a Monday qualifier here a couple years ago. I don't know if I had turned pro yet or what. I was out here doing it.
Then last two years I was out here as well. I love this place, love the golf course. Obviously it's a really fun tournament. There is a lot of really cool people that come here. I get to see all my friends this week. Where I'm staying is awesome.
So just all good things. Like I'm just going to try to enjoy myself this week.
Q. What have you been working on, if you don't mind sharing, game-wise to get yourself back in this mode? You said you Monday Q'd at Aviara, but to get yourself back out in that style of play?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Not a lot. Not as much as I thought I needed to. I think that was the thing. I was searching for a while and finally found someone to help me, and it's been way more simple than I was making it.
But like obviously mindset has been a huge thing.
Q. How important for you as a player is that validation? Like, hey, my game is not that far off. Like I need to just take what I've do the and go play with it.
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Yeah, exactly. That. What was the question?
Q. No, like that validation, finding that validation, when you're searching for something...
Q. How important is it for you to hear that from somebody? Like, Hey, you don't need to search. You've got it.
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Yeah, right. You have to find it yourself. Like anyone can tell that you, but until you believe it and you're like, I can do this, doesn't really matter what other people say to you.
I think it matters more how they say it to you. So finding somebody that can tell you things that work for you or give you things to work on that make sense. But not having too much information is huge.
I don't know, validation is such a like ego thing, and I think just having that confidence and belief rather than that pride, you know, just going and hitting every shot I think, the next shot.
Q. And then last question: Just you talked about the Epson Tour. Having played out there a few times this season so far...
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Yeah, twice. Actually didn't get into one of the events because I have status out here but it's not great mand there were -- the list of LPGA girls filled up so I didn't get into one the them.
I thought that was very interesting. You know, they were playing better golf than me so obviously they deserve it.
Q. How does that prep help you, like I said, kind of get yourself back in this mode?
JILLIAN HOLLIS: Yeah, it's been great to play competitive golf, and that's what I was doing the Mondays for. I had two weeks off since Aviara; didn't get into Hawaii; I didn't go over there to do the Monday either.
I had two weeks off and I wanted to play competitive. There is nothing more competitive than a Monday qualifier. You have to shoot low, so I wanted to do that and kind of get my game ready.
But just playing competitively, playing on the Epson Tour has been awesome. I had a decent finish the other week, so just stringing a couple good rounds together I think is my next goal.
I know it's good. It's just putting it all together, and I think that's what I've been enjoying, just kind of the process of doing that.
That was a lot.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
