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April 7, 2022

Will Zalatoris

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Will, after last year's performance, what was it like to go back out there? Did you have a different mindset, different confidence level?

WILL ZALATORIS: Yeah, I've been waiting for this for 52 weeks, I guess. Yeah, it's exciting to get back. Everyone starts at even-par. So even though last year I had a nice run at it, you've got to earn it again.

Decently pleased with today. I left a few out there. Just kind of streaky all around. I didn't really hit it well at the end, but I made a couple putts to kind of save the round. So it was a fun day.

Q. Was your strategy as you approached the 1st tee today different than last year, maybe different than other majors in other big tournaments you've played in?

WILL ZALATORIS: More of the same. I knew it was going to play hard. Even though 67 obviously is leading, it just didn't play easy out there. We're so used to these greens being just lightning, but mother nature obviously had some better ideas the last 36 hours. So they'll speed up over the next few days. I'm not worried about that at all.

Yeah, I just keep the same. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

Q. Talk about your round. What were the best moments for you, and where did you struggle?

WILL ZALATORIS: I think making birdie on 11 felt like making eagle. Coming in with 5-iron, and I was trying to hit it on the right edge of the green basically. So I pulled that about 25 feet and then making a 30-footer.

I just didn't drive it well at the end. I'm not really too worried about that. I've had a really good four or five days here of just driving the ball unbelievably well. Just get my timing back tomorrow and keep going from there.

Q. How do you do the quick turnaround? You finished late, and now you're going to go out a little bit earlier tomorrow.

WILL ZALATORIS: It's good when you play well. You feel like you get some rest and just go right back at it. I always enjoy it early because you know the greens are only going to get firmer and faster. The people that have to do early-late, they're going to see the greens a lot different tomorrow afternoon than we're going to see tomorrow morning.

On paper it's usually an advantage, but you never know out here obviously.

Q. Late versus early, no paralysis by analysis, right?


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