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April 6, 2022

Larry Mize

Augusta, Georgia, USA

Quick Quotes

Q. Thanks a lot, guys. Larry Mize, though, I'm thinking here on No. 9 you should have been playing for off the green so you could chip it in again and have the second greatest shot of all time.

LARRY MIZE: I was just trying to make the putt to get to 5-under. Once I couldn't get to 5-under, I didn't want to have to wait around for a playoffs. I just went ahead and went back to 3.

Q. Talking about what this week is all about. You start with the champions dinner last night; today you have the Par 3. For an Augusta boy, 35 years after your, more than that after your first appearance here, is this still as special as always?

LARRY MIZE: Oh, no doubt. Maybe even more. I think as you get older you understand to appreciate even more. Having the Par 3 back this year is a blast. It is so special. I can't put into words how special it is.

Q. Can you talk about the evolution of the caddieing out here? You didn't in your group necessarily have as many kids and wives and all that. I saw you actually carrying the bag for Russell Henley up the 9th hole. It just seems to be fun, the caddie situation.

LARRY MIZE: The kids are younger, and that way the wife can come out with the kids and help out. It's just a family affair. We love it. I think the fans love it. I love what it's become.

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