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March 24, 2022

Matthew Fitzpatrick

Austin, Texas, USA

Austin Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall takeaways from the match today?

MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, I played well. Good holes were great. Bad holes were awful. I guess that's the good thing about match play. I'd be useless in a stroke-play event today. Yeah, just gifted too many holes, which was disappointing.

I think probably wouldn't have gifted so many if it was a stroke play. Obviously you see where your opponent is and you kind of react to that which maybe you shouldn't do at certain times.

But yeah, on the whole the good stuff is good, and just trying to sort of sharpen the rest up.

Q. Opportunity to move out of group play, how does that change your mindset?

MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: No, this is a miracle, this is the closest I've gotten to getting out of the group. I'm happy with the start. The good thing is it's in my hands, so if I go out and win tomorrow, I'll go through. I'm just trying to think off the top of my head what results I'll need just to get out of a playoff. That's I think guaranteed to get a playoff, I think, so yeah, we'll see, but yeah, plan is to go out there, play well and get through.

Q. After playing this golf course why do you think you've become more comfortable playing this as a match play golf course?

MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: No, no, no. Yeah, this golf course and me, we're not the best friends, I'll be honest. It doesn't do it for me visually. Doesn't do it for me as a player. I find it difficult. I think it's tough. I've said it before in the past, like I think it's quite a funky golf course. I just can't put my finger on it. Then obviously with the gusts around here, as well, and the wind swirls, it's just difficult.

It's difficult in my opinion to get in any sort of rhythm, to get anything going, because before you know it you've missed a green by five yards and it's down a slope and you're short-sided and the pin is 30 feet above you and you've got no shot. I find it, yeah, funky.

Q. Incredible stretch, 9, 10, 11. What does that do for you making the turn and then getting into the back nine playing such good golf?

MATTHEW FITZPATRICK: Yeah, for me throughout the whole of these matches, ever since I've been here, it's nice just to sort of get two, three holes up early-ish, middle of the round. Once you can get that, it gives you something to build on. It gives you a bit of a cushion. You lose one, you go 3 to 2, it's not bad. If you're constantly bouncing back from 1-up to all square it's quite difficult because all of a sudden you're all square, the momentum changes and they sort of get their eye in and you have a couple bad holes, it gets away from you. Yeah, it's always good to have a bit of a head start and then you've got to back yourself from there.

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