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March 23, 2022

Adam Scott

Austin, Texas, USA

Austin Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Things got real interesting there in the last three holes of this match, but you were able to pull out the full point. But how about the last three holes?

ADAM SCOTT: Well, the whole match was kind of like that, it was a real pillow fight between Justin and I. We gave each other a lot of holes, certainly nothing for me to brag about.

We played a lot of golf with each other over the years and we certainly didn't have our best stuff today.

But obviously I'm happy to squeak out a point and kind of keep my hopes alive for the next couple days.

Q. As you're walking up to the 17th green you had about 20 feet for birdie, you know that Justin has already hit it left in the penalty area. I know you can never assume anything in match play, but did you feel things were probably completed and then he holes it from the front of the tee after the drop? I mean, come on, Adam.

ADAM SCOTT: Well it's like you said, if you're a good match player you know you're never out of a hole, someone's never out of a hole and you have to expect him to make every shot. And as soon as it landed I said to Greg, That's in.

So I didn't have a lot of time to think about that. I know it was pretty ugly off 18 as well, but that was the way we played, we were surrounding it and this course is tough when you're not on your game, it can expose you around the greens a bit.

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